I’ll start. Warlord’s have access to Crushing Judgement. Might be op…
I’ve already removed the yucky abilties on my dense Lion’s Halberd and replaced them with actually good aoe abilites (+ crushing judgement). Funny how the halberd used to only have one good ability and now it can have 4.
Dual pistols is also objectively better than single pistol now since it has all of it’s abilities. Spear is also objectively better than (non-sunken) staff for the same reason.
Claws are one of the weapons which got the short end of the stick, only getting spiralling fury. I already liked them before, so adding a good mobility move is pretty nice.
This seems like a pretty good generalist set of custom weapons. There’s a handful of changes I would make but this seems pretty good so far.
Will probably try something like this for my sailord, sadly most other weapon types have far less customization so I feel like something around this is gonna be one of the meta setups.
Onslaught + Piercing shot or m1 before piercing shot
Quick combo + mq + piercing shot
Cheap shot + multi shot (if in the air)
Cheap shot + m1 + multi shot (if on the ground)