Post your most satisfying clip that you've gotten so far

heres mine with a sunken sword, the way the upwards hitbox worked from down there was so nice

Not my first, but definitely my most satisfying


that’s aimbotting

How? I literally use a mac…

can’t tell if sister is serious or joking. could be either :fr:

holy shit I’ve never actually seen it in action before, sunken sword is leagues faster than anything in the game

Don’t have a photo, but best moment was when a guy was running saying how bad lightning beam was, I got him as he high jumped and paralysed him and killed him.

i wish i could do that ;-; i suck at predicting when they jump

If you keep trying you can get the hang of it too :nod:

that was surprisingly well timed, good job

Screenshot (452)

not a clip but this guy and his friend rked my dark rep slot purely because ‘you’re a villain’ so i hopped on my main and wiped one, while the other got to low health and ran. pretty poggers ngl

satisfaction 100

haha nice (20 characters)

more clips please.



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fairly certain they’re a troll

I literally despise people that rk dark rep players just cause to the point that if I see somebody do it I will tell them (in character of course) “senseless murder puts you on the very level of a dark mage” or something dumb like that and if I catching them doing it again I will attack them with no mercy because from my perspective they just killed an innocent man/woman twice.

yes I do severely damage my rep in the process but it only goes dangerously low enough to put me in the red if they respawn with tunnel vision in their eyes and will not give up until they’ve killed me

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That’s pretty dope

I don’t know if you’d call this satisfying but I thought it’d fit the description.
At the end of his attack I had exactly 1 HP left, but from his perspective I outright had 0.