Potential issues i see with some potions


invis potion

i can see it be abused heavily by bounty hunters and trolls, even if its expensive as shit to make it shouldnt make people 100% invisible.

However if sensing was added then yeah i guess this could work if you could see them more clearly or something while sensing

particle effects:

but yeah i’m all for another reason to add sensing

I WANT SENSING NOW VETEX DO IT NOW :rage: :rage: :rage:

it has particles that make it really obvious, and you could also just use a revealing potion

revealing potion:

Man games just can’t have fun in it anymore, as soon as anything remotely gives an edge in a hyper specific situation (even if there’s an obvious counter) then people want it removed.

I can’t wait for every potion besides healing and power to be gutted and almost useless


hopefully you get your pc when the update drops so that you can play before vetex neuters all the potions

Invisibility and revealing potions sound really good but also really annoying at the same time.
They’re cool, but how the hell am I supposed to hide from annoying players now? I’m conflicted

revealing only shows players/npcs if the drinker is in combat

Yeah that’s the problem. If a guy hits me then I have to wait for combat timer before I lose the revealing effect (by then I’d already have exited the server)

it doesn’t matter if you’re in combat

if you drink a revealing potion, you can see other players/npcs if YOU’RE in combat

it doesn’t matter if the other players/npcs are in combat, you only see them if YOU’RE in combat

Oh, I see.
Well, then I don’t need to worry as much. Still, bounty hunters having xray is a real annoyance if they drink it.

are you just running away at mach 10

I run away, yes.
Either I hide behind somewhere nobody bothers to look or I get on my ship and sail out of there

I’m not the fastest but I do get away about half of the time

simply run agility + a agility build (speed of light)

love potion

@Unlucky it puts me at a disadvantage against npcs though, so no. it’s not too often that a player bothers me anyways

@AwesomeOS yeah that’ll save me. I just have to make a whole lot of those things and throw it at people, then I can safely get away

most loved player ever wtf