Added some places to get stuff, as well as ‘Clearstone’ which is tier two clearsight ingredient.
I’ll be back in a bit to find the other jewelcrafting tables and add them to the location table
I put some of the jewel stations in
Does anyone know if it’s possible to get the interchange effect through a mystery potion?
Yes, but only with tier 5.
Thank you
Is it possible to get a tier 5 mystery potion currently or would I have to wait for dark sea update?
The t2 mystery reagent is dark sea exclusive
splash someone during combat with a interchange and shred them cause they forgot how to fight.
More additions Wahoo, keep the wiki alive!
Potion wiki when dark sea:
Decided to add a couple Dark Sea regents I was able to find
found this at the first range of dark sea, you got it from plucking a flower
and this was in a skeleton, also in the first range of the dark sea
forgot where I found this but it was probably a first range ice island
says in the description
says in the description
Saint Lily’s flower, High quality healing regeant. Found it in the dark sea.
ahah the potion wikis back
I’m calling it we need to revive the wiki
New section: Dark Sea Biomes.
Yes please revive this topic. I love using it for reference and it’s super helpful.
Updated the Narwhal Horn info so people know you can get it from Dark Sea fishing.
Only problem is, I HEAR that you can get Dark Sea Diamonds from deep sea exploration in the Dark sea, but have yet to discover a reliable way to get them.
i found one just laying on the ground
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