Potions Discussion


He knows

I just want to make my alchemist build man…

Its originally for AO suppose to be an alchemist and as well as a trackstar

This build was first designed in deepwoken and it was HELLA FUN

I wanna make one as well :D

should we make some apothecary type clan together?

My mans…

We gotta do it

we could start it now since we have potions already, we can start to sell them for golden pearls or something

Ngl I hope we get some rarer materials to use in potions found in the dark sea so there can be a decent economy based around them

multiple reagents have been noted to be unobtainable till dark sea

I wonder how we’re supposed to collect samples for essence potions

I imagine maybe using empty bottles like getting water for sailor fist? Maybe this could open up possibilities for more fighting styles as well that function similarly to sailor fist?

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Power potion will be broken?..

nah its just gonna have 1 tier and it needs white eyes scales to be made

Even if it were powerful it’d be pretty rare

shark repellant potions are planned

yeah thats like when the next update releases which is probably in a month or so unless vetex adds brewing exp(?) early or some other factor

brewing exp doesn’t matter tho

well maybe it does but lets see :person_shrugging:

all it would do is make the duration somewhat longer, much like ingredient potency

it’d be nice if it also lowered the required ingredient amount to make something

there’s also shark summoner potions too, probably to be used for hunting sea monsters ig

after I get my alchemist file max level

Wind and ice is funny