Potions Discussion

This is a discussion about potions in general.

Even after the main potions update, we’ll always be receiving content related to it.

If you need to know more about potions and the full plans, click here (this is a public patreon post about potions)

So, do you have any cool stuff to discuss? Or, perhaps you can post cool updates on potions? Anything is fine if it’s related.

You can make potions?



This is all related to potions we have rn on the trello (in chronological order)

now we have three potions done!

Love Potions are going to make so many gankers salty and I am all here for it.

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Bleed magics may take a heavy drop in viability for imbuement since you can add the same effect with bleeding gel.

This also means we could have attacks that apply 3 status effects at once. 4 at once will be possible once Savant gets its second awakening.

yes, but, you can also use one of the many other potions for even more synergy instead of just bleeding, basically it depends on the weapon

savant can’t dual imbue wdym

yes, it will.

source: idk I can’t find that one post with an image of vet saying it can but yet, it will

holy sht how didnt i think of this

wtf that’s busted

no, three magics is still better than low tier attacks

The “Hippie” Build:
Become a juggernaut, imbue love potions onto your fist, literally punch love into people.
OR you could become a paladin with light magic and throw love potions everywhere.
(oops wrong reply but I’m lazy)


gonna be totally honestly I completely believe love potions aint gonna make it since they’d just ruin pvp and bounty hunting completely

I agree

I’m going to be legitimately livid if this becomes the case.

nothing one of us fellow alchemists likely wouldn’t help solve w/ a small fee of sorts :slight_smile:

of course the reversed desire is also available lol

i want him to add it because of the funny

just make a hate potion, which overrides the love potion and makes you unable to damage anyone except for the target or smt