❤️ Potions

But vertex confirmed on the Trello that it’s platonic. stop having ideas Pox.

That’s not stopping anyone.

I have two things in mind:

  • One is the artist’s file is gonna act all lovey dovey towards their rival, who may or may not be affected as well.
  • The other is the artist’s file and their rival is gonna do the thing that I cannot say on the Forums without my Regular pass.

you know maybe im seeing the problem with a potion that just allows people to negate player damage

Was more talking about the individuals who will draw their oc drinking the love potion to ship their character with an npc.

Course mine just eats people but there are a few who might do something like that.

Is it just me or am I worried about how many more gankers will be in the game now that potions exist and can really threaten you if you aren’t ready for it?
Sure love potions exist but what about drinking them to stop the effects? I’m worried for how this game will grow once the potions update drops.

when potion update drops use potions to run away

smoke bomb+invisibility+agility+air capacity and swim speed gems

love potion too, it’ll at least slow the hunter down if they have to drink another

^ And make all these splash potions for instant buffs

Slowness and Invisiblilty potions gonna be a hassle too.

terraria strats right there…

insanity potions exist
so there will be trollers who brew 10 cursed deathcaps (idk) with 2 golden pearls, make them throwable and chuck them on people to inflict them with insanity V for 5 seconds
4 seconds is enough for insanity V to kill you, and there is no counter other than running

milk bucket when
honey bottles also work

God help Vetex trying to balance potion.

Though I am very happy for the clearsight potion, would help a lot with ship stuffs. Just hope that clearsight reagent won’t be too rare, though I doubt it would be since most folks will probably not care too much about being able to see through fog and the dark.

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