❤️ Potions

I’m mostly excited for all the potions and the ways to harness them

But i’m also worried about love potions, defensive potions, and power potions and the ways people will harness them

I am mostly concerned for this interaction with love potions:

I am farming a boss or something, someone attacks me

by some miracle I start winning

just before I strike the killing blow, this hypothetical ganker throws a love potion at me and flees.

I’m pretty sure you can drink a love potion yourself, and mitigate the effect

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Yeah but then, it becomes a back and forth of ‘who has more love potions!’ So, we’ll see how it handles.

Yeah, i’m worried about that too.

Imagine a ganker attacks you, long battle but you almost win, they love potion you and run away while a friend goes in and finishes you off.

Oh yeah, 2v1s will be FAR harder to win now. The loser uses a love potion so you cannot heal by killing them, you have to hope your own stock of potions is better then the attackers.

This is why I hope that renown, fame, takes a shift away from random bounty hunting and towards more traditional matches.

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Actually, what if you used two buffs or even debuffs from potions on yourself, like ironskin and power at the same time?
This exploits the fact that you can only have at most two potion buffs on your character at once, and if love counts towards that then… checkmate, can’t be hypnotized.

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there might be a cd to throwing and drinking love potions

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Yeet the mystery potion at the COI member

Yeah, that’s good to here. Poor Balance sheet guys are going to have their work cut out with them on potions.


I was thinking about doing that too, but in a gank if someone has, for example, gel, they will almost always land the first hit so you’ll only be able to apply one ‘good’ potion as it were.

Also I’m thinking of throwing ironskin potions and using slowness gel. Ironskin slows you, slowness slows you too, so what if I made you EXTRA slow?

that’s smart, i like it.

You gotta realize that people aren’t gonna be 720 blackscoping every single potion they throw, this coupled with cds presumably allows you to drink a love potion and then attack the enemy before they hit you (AIN’T NOBODY HITTING PEOPLE IN THE AIR WITH POTIONS CONSISTENTLY LMFAO).

Only thing I’m worried about is the possibility of a love gel, even if it does exist and it’s op it’ll be balanced out in a patch so no point in whining

Lingering potions are the answer to that. Someone chasing you through Ravenna, throw down a lingering effect of your choosing several times.

I don’t care how much ‘air game’ you play, you HAVE to touch the ground eventually, and if you spam movement options to stay off the ground you’ll have none left for when BobGonzalez2009 throws his tier 5 perfect love potion at you.

Yeah, people are gonna whiff throws, it will be funny, but 80% of people ganking have more than two braincells and aren’t going to go for absurdly difficult throws with their potions.

Just run through the lingering and drink a love potion??? If they’re camping in it then that’s free damage. It also doesn’t help that lingering potions have ATROCIOUS potency so effects might last no time making it useless for love potions.

If people aren’t throwing potions all the time due to difficulty then obviously pvp won’t just be only love potion spam since they’ll be windows for attacking. Hell love potions might even be expensive which makes them even less prevalent

I can imagine a whole battle of using potions right now

I could never guess who would do that cough @Flare cough

Wrong flare shadow :sob:


This update is going to be fire and the meta is going to shift more than the tectonic plates during an earthquake

You should be more worried about artists drawing themselves affected by the love potion.