POV: Negative stats

Why can you get negative attack size? How small will your attacks become? Post a build here so we can see the results.

My build has about -26 size, it is only -6.7% size


Also, lowest seems to be -41, which is -8.87%

huh, intresting indeed

most negative stat build :money_mouth_face:


probably the lowest you can go, theres some other magics/fstyles that give negative

Thermo fist and Light give -50%±8.87%= the lowest attack size, -58.87%. That is actually so bad

oh also glass with negative health, 1045 - 162 = 833. Might be worth it for that high power wtf

A glass+Iron leg is decent for dmg ngl

that would be glass and light

Hol up this is giving me ideas :smiling_imp: