Power Ranking AO characters (Bronze Sea)

You can correct me if I am kinda new to this power scaling thing
King Calvus: 7A higher in second phase (mid 6C)
Lady Carina: High 7B
Elius: low-mid 7C higher with lightning low 7B
Argos: mid 7B higher second phase high 7B 7B in third phase (prime possibly low 6A)
The Player (current:) Mid 7A before awakening Varies with awakening
Poseidon: high 5B
Iris: 8B
Morden: Unknown early in story higher with death curse 7A
Julian: Mid 6B (easily took out player so probably higher)
Commodore Kai: High 6C (takes about 6-8 shots to kill the player)
Architect Merlot: High 6C (takes the same amount)
Again you can make changes to this to make it more accurate.

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Aside from the fact that I despise what vsBattles wiki has done to power scaling since it’s a fundamentally flawed ranking system, Poseidon would not be anywhere close to the other characters on this list.

He’s a spirit with almost no presence in the world, and he basically evaporates entirely after he helps us.

Prior to his defeat, he would definitely be one of the strongest beings in the world (since, y’know, the ocean covers the whole planet).

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So its like planetary?

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(This is all just for fun don’t bother bringing real science or math into this cause I made it all up, I don’t really care how flawed powerscaling is)

I’ll be using a strike of lightning, which I’ve seen vary from ~300 to over 500 damage to the player, as the frame of reference for damage numbers. I’m not exactly sure what causes contributes to lightning’s damage but since I’ll use 425 dmg as an average lightning strike since it’s near the average of the highest and lowest damage I’ve seen lightning do. An IRL lightning strike is 1 billion joules of energy, so that’s the ratio im gonna use for damage and HP (425 dmg = 1B j so 1 dmg ~2.35m j). I’ll be converting joules into Tons of explosive force in my scaling to be consistent with the vs battle wiki which seems to be the reference you used, and I’ll also use the highest damage they can do with a single attack as their highest Attack Potency.

Attack Potency: His strongest charged move, the pillars, does 500 dmg each which are all stronger than an average lightning bolt. 500 dmh converts to ~0.28 tons, putting each pillar’s AP at Building Level (8C). Even if you add up the damage of all 3 pillars he’d still be within the 8C range.

Durability: just gonna multiply his health with the ratio I talked about, which puts his durability at ~2.5 aka Large Building Level (High 8C)

AP: Her strongest attack does a measly 64 damage… 0.03 tons AKA Small Building Level (9A)

Durability: ~1.4 tons AKA Building Level (8C) but she also gains low tier regenerative capabilities in the second phase of her fight

AP: strongest single-hit move is 85, 0.04 tons AKA Small Building Level (9A)

Durability: ~0.67 tons, Building Level (8C) but he also has a healing potion/ability

AP: ~0.04 (with cursebane), Small Building Level (9A) ((I know this seems weird since he brought fort Talos crashing down but that was through continuous barrages of moves from both us and Argos, plus fort Talos already had many signs of weakened structure such as cracks along walls and ceilings))

Durability: ~1.6 tons, Building Level (8C)

I’m way too lazy to keep doing calculations so I’m just gonna speedrun guess the rest of em

AP: strongest attacks easily out damage most boss’s except calvus, Building Level (8C). Varies based on gear

Durability: with gear a player typically ranges between Elius and Carina’s HP, aka Building Level but can vary based on how much defense the player has from gear.

Likely way stronger than anyone on this list, comfortably Large Country or Continental Level, is wouldn’t be surprised if he reached Multi-continental (potentially higher?) since he clashed evenly with Cursebeard which needed to use his full power to defeat him.

Arthur is referred to in the Lore as the strongest human, meaning his highest output is likely relative to the cataclysmic final attack Durza unleashed which destroyed multiple continents’ worth of the planet. I’d put Poseidon around 6A or brushing lips with high 6A

I have him relative to the player but slightly stronger in most categories, gonna go with High 8C or low 8B

Tbh she’s never really done anything impressive, I have her slightly below the player in most categories so gonna go with 9A

I have him slightly above Morden so around low 8B to 8B

Idk anything about merlot or kai cause I have no interest in em

But yeah this is an extremely flawed scale with very loose and arbitrary measurements, ta-da

I was not really basing it off damage, it was mainly off the destructive capabilities they had

The 3000 hp knight:

severely underestimating curse users

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