Predicting the Release of Every Update that we know of

The fact that this isn’t unlikely hurts

i’m calling it now
it is unlikely, because it’s gonna take longer than that

No. No. :disappointed:

you see i think your forgetting that he also has been adding mostly non story related things and just systems that need to be added before he can progress the story. once alll the ground work is laid out vetex could probably finish the story in a year if he didn’t have to add all these other systems, that are necessary thoe. if anything 3 years from now AO is completely finished. a year from now we will probably be level 250 ish because he’ll barely start actually focusing on story related content. and as hes doing story content he still has to add alignment system which tbh idk when that will come but probably a year and some change. after Kingdom alignment is added i think thats a good sign that he will be mostly knocking out story content. but before kingdom alignment there is a lot of dark sea expansion. other small stuff like more side bosses and stuff. which i would package all together including the alignment update to take a year.

TLDR; Vetex finishes all non story related stuff in 2 years and the 3rd year he pretty much finishes making the game by completing all the stroy development. I say he’ll be done making the game entirely by early 2028.

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hes getting more help now it updates should pump out probably twice as fast or at least with twice as much content would be a more accurate statement.

this is a bit early if he does add darksea expansion with caln building but i think ur on the money if not

except three things

  1. i strictly counted when he was focusing on story content (i only counted nimbus sea and mistral update times)
  2. i was being EXTREMELY generous by assuming he picks up the pace from a 173 days per 15 level cap increase to a 100 days per 15 level cap increase
  3. he still has a ton of non-story content planned so this argument doesn’t work in the first place

it will take 2 years for him to implement all of non story related stuff.

i dont think ur taking in account of a lot of factors that are going to be changing. He is going to be recieving more help now… The STORY content will be knocked out a lot faster once all the GROUND WORK is laid out… Let me define STORY and GROUND WORK… Story is not adding wilderness islands new armor sets brand new stats and enchants… thats all ground work… your really not considering that Vetex will eventually have all these NON story related things eventually… like i said 2 years. The darksea is already here he just has to add on to it. i dont think he plans on adding more stats. literally the only big updates non story updates are going to be Darksea expansion, clan building, and finally kingdom alignment to finish off non story stuff. all the other little stuff in between those things artisans, sensing, etc etc doesnt take a lot of time to add which i would give a bout half a year to add.

mistral and nimbus wouldnt take as long if he wasnt working on a bunch of non story related side projects at the same time. the story it self will be developed rapidly once vetex is done with non story related stuff.

3 years is a lot of time still with all that said.

i don’t think ur point that it will take him 3 years to get half of the story done is a good one because your not taking into account all of the non story related stuff he has to work with first.

also we were supposed to get alignment during nimbus but we didn’t because well bad timing I guess. but that’s also a non story thing that was worked on for months.

outdated. im going to push it back to final friday of august but he should strategically do it labor day weekend

not a bad point actually

which is why i was extremely generous and assumed he’d add 15 levels every 100 days instead of every 173 days
that is reducing the time by an entire 42%

he’s bound to add new items and potentially new tiers of enchants and gems every story update as the level cap increases
besides, i don’t think adding new items will have too big of an impact on how long it takes for an update to come out

like what? :skull:
a single ability that’s literally a reskinned blast for vitality during the mistral update?

all i’m saying is
given how current updates seem to be going (again, i am ONLY looking at the NIMBUS SEA and MISTRAL updates, and completely disregarding the nonstory updates), it would be a very long time until nimbus sea is completed


Yes this is true but ur statement that we will only get 15 levels every 100 days and im assuming u mean indefinitly is far from accurate imo. I think people underplay how much vetex gets done by a large margin just because the story continuation is slow at the moment, but if u actually tracked all the balancing, bug fixing, and non story related time, whole brand new systems, non atory related content , and he instead spent all that time purely to the story he would knock it out insanely fast.

i’m not one to say how updates will go in the far future

I see, well if you think about what I’ve said i think my time line makes a lot of sense. Non story stuff being completed = story content gets knocked out ALOT faster.

yeah i think it’s safe to say this roadmap is unrealistic. if I were to guess what vetex would do it’d probably be all the non story/location stuff first (excluding legendary ships) which he’ll get done in a year-ish(?) if he took 2 months on each of them. As for the story I have no clue how long that’d take but it should be faster since he doesn’t have to make a new system for it

He gets help with smaller things like island building, new armours, balancing etc but the bulk of the coding goes to him still. Which is of course the most time consuming and difficult part so it won’t be twice as quick I wouldn’t think

I think Vetex has said that it’s still mostly accurate

We know full release is coming after empires so that’s correct at least

Thats why i said if not twice as fast maybe twice as much content, this vlan building update for example is going to have the most content we seen in 1 update since darksea dropped

I think we can say this was and will be very off
