Prince revon "my brother is dead" caesar

thought id post this here too, i was trying to git gud at making my art look more like 70s mecha anime because i may have ate too much mecha animes.
but uh, i dont remember eating garma zabi and char aznable for revon to look like this :skull emoji:


Imagine only being known for having a dead family member huhuhuuhuhhuhahahahaahahahahahahahahaha couldn’t be him (:sleepy:)

youve watched too many? (puts kn mecha arms) its time
ok but fr, looks great

That title omg :sob: :sob: :sob: poor revon

Amazing art tho, cool style u used for this piece

You may have mecha arms, but do you BELIEVE IN THE GETTER?!
(thx btw :D)

I love the effects in the hair