Pristine's Pristine Emporium

Pristine's Pristine Emporium
convenience 4.666666666666667 3 fairness 5.0 4 trustworthiness 5.0 4

Before you send an offer, I’m only looking for seaweed, bones, glass bottles, and common or uncommon catalysts in mass quantities. I don’t want anything else.



  • Up to 250k. Generally trading at a rate of 8 Galleons per common reagent (10 per if trading more than 1000 reagents), and 4 Galleons per common catalyst (5 per if trading more than 1500 catalysts).


  • 1x Easter Lights
  • 14x Easter Eggs
  • 1x Brown Hallowed I
  • 2x Head Wrappings
  • 1x Pink Mini Cauldron
  • 1x Green Mini Cauldron
  • 1x Candy Corn Beanie
  • 1x Shoulder Crow
  • 3x Halloween Bag
  • 3x Halloween Fedora


  • 1x Strong Sunken Helm
  • 1x Strong Sunken Chestplate
  • 1x Strong Sunken Boots


  • 5x Clean Earth Rams
  • 5x Clean Earth Cannons
  • 1x Strong Light Cannons
  • 1x Swift Light Ram
  • 3x Clean Magma Rams
  • ???x Arcanium Cannons (Unbuilt)
  • ???x Arcanium Rams (Unbuilt)
  • Pretty much any hull, sailcloth, or shark hunting equipment you could ask for.


  • 1x Clean Explosion Arcsphere
  • 1x Hard Oak Wood Arcsphere
  • 2x Clean Arcanium Arcsphere
  • 1x Strong Calvus Crown
  • 1x Swift Calvus Crown
  • 2x Nimble Calvus Crown
  • 1x Swift Calvus Cape
  • 2x Clean Argos Cape
  • 4x Clean Archon Quartz
  • 1x Hard Carina Bracelet
  • 1x Amplified Carina Bracelet
  • 1x Clean Carina Bracelet
  • 1x Swift Calvus Chest
  • 2x Strong Argos Chestplate
  • 1x Hard Argos Chestplate
  • 1x Swift Argos Chestplate
  • 1x Bursting Argos Chestplate
  • 1x Strong Elius Chestplate
  • 1x Strong Carina Gi
  • 3x Bursting Calvus Boots
  • 1x Swift Carina Boots
  • 1x Strong Elius Boots


  • 6x Clean Vindicator
  • 1x Swift Triasta
  • 1x Strong Triasta
  • 1x Strong Halberd
  • 1x Clean Halberd
  • 1x Clean Poison Tooth Dagger
  • 2x Clean Lance of Loyalty
  • 1x Bursting Schimtars
  • 2x Strong Schimtars
  • 1x Swift Schimtars


  • 9x Pulsar
  • 13x Axe-Slash
  • 5x Strong Scrolls
  • 2x Hard Scroll
  • 6x Swift Scrolls
  • 6x Nimble Scrolls
  • 10x Bursting Scrolls
  • 12x Amplified Scrolls


  • 23x Perfect Power Elixirs
  • Acrimonies will be announced as they become available.
  • Any other potions can be brewed at your request, at a price.


  • 2x Golden Apples
  • 40x Volcanic Crystals


  • Ask, and I’ll check if I have what you need.


  • The blank gem. No description or name, but a gemstone that likely serves as a placeholder for Warding / Drawback gemcrafting in the future.

DM pristinewarrior on Discord or leave a comment here if you’re interested.


Across my files I have about 495, what would you give me for those? I’m not really looking for boss drops, perhaps some galleons

How’s 4k Galleons for them sound to you?

Can you do 4.5k

Yup, fine by me. Join up on DredgenMalleus whenever you get them all put together, I’ll be on for another hour or two.

I cba to transfer all of them to one file, I have 440 of them on one file so if you’re fine with it we can just do the galleons for that then I’ll rejoin and send the follow up trades

Fine by me as well, I’ve got open slots so hop in whenever you’re ready.

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I assume these are soil, judging form your pvp clips…
500 seaweed for both?

I’m not buying gems but…
how many hours yall play to speed up there…

500 seaweed per sounds fine to me. Apologies for the delayed response, was snoozing. Let me know whenever you’re on and ready to trade.

i meant 250 per, and 500 total, if this is not fine let me know.
also im going to sleep soon so maybe tomorrow 1 hour before this post(would be around 9pm, my timezone)

300 per and you’ve got yourself a deal.

No worries, just go ahead and send a message here whenever you’re available to trade.


Just acquired another Acrimony. Trading it for 3k seaweed, or 5k common shells.

Just got my hands on a second Acrimony. Same offer as above, but I’m open to barter.

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Both Acrimonies have been sold off.

and yea im still on mobile

Join up anytime if you’re able to, I’ll be on for a while.

hey pristine im joining ur game

how tf yall getting 5k seaweed?? :sob::sob::sob: casuals like me getting left in the dust :sob::sob:

gl man :+1:

@Sebastian_Banks I’m sorry bro I couldn’t stay neutral :sob: