124 lbs → 131lbs in 1 month and a half ALL MUSCLE, no visible fat gain going to keep it going
hair is dogshit in these pics just woke up
you’re going to waste ur time away u can be doing so much meaningful things, ur wasting ur drive to progress in real life and using it up by progressing in games dont make excuses. You dont need to go all out. if u want to start working out, start by spending 2 minutes on it. just put ur workout clothes and water out every day. the next day spent 3 minutes. etc. progressively overload, u dont need to do hard stuff on day 1.
I just started and im already making so much progress you can all do this, even 1 hour spent on games is bad, think about how much 1 hour spent on learning about nutrition, imagine how much you would know in a year, thats 365 hours of knowledge. Imagine an hour reading books a day, and holy shit i never realized how valuable books are until i started improving myself, insanely valuable information
learn about meditation, nutrition, fitness, journaling, instant vs delayed gratification
in short, do things that your future self will be grateful you did. Imagine rn, in 10 years, what your future self will be saying about you doing something meaningful. Don’t kid yourself, he would wish that you got into the gym and sculpted an impressive physique those years instead of stimulating your brains with pleasure and dopamine. work so you can be happy long term, not quick hits of dopamine
If you are seeking to improve urself dm me aabraham#9779 i learned a lot about this kinda stuff i can help anyone