Project: Marketplace Value List

Very simple! We’re gonna make a value list for the marketplace.

(damn im making a topic everyday at this point)

So it’s sorta hard to say how much stuff is worth on the marketplace/auction house because it’s so new.

So, let’s work together to create a value list for that! Simply say an item, the price you think it is, and we’ll add it to the list. I’ll work based on averages.

Have fun!

oh yeah basically just say an item and what you’d value it at


I think I’ma withdraw from making a new topic for like two weeks unless absolutely necessary.

I’m not sure how forumers who probably don’t trade much literally just saying shit without evidence is gonna be an improvement over the galleon

Anyone who believes this is not capable of creating an accurate value list, this is hilariously dumb lmao

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it’s not a problem with the galleon in particular it’s a problem with all value lists, they’re always going to be subjected to bias by the maintainers whether intentional or not

I agree it’s a bit of an extremity, but also I sorta see their point - some of the stuff on the list is raw BS

Main reason I’m doing this is so that we have a list that a large part of the community all agree on, because I’ve seen more dissent towards the Galleon than I have agreement

I very much doubt that the forum list will actually represent real values and what the community believes instead of just what people here think, the galleon at least looks in vetcord marketplace to see what things sell for

Mostly doing this so we have multiple data sets to go off

I am going to continue doing this and see where it goes

I mostly agree with AwsomeOS but gl anyways

A galleon type list for the marketplace could be useful because galleon doesn’t really apply there

mabie a trading list where we put items of comparable value

i haven’t checked the galleon in a while but it’s always been fairly accurate as a guideline in my opinion as someone who used to trade

people who say this probably don’t trade lmao


Would be hard to keep accurate track of, accurate in this case refering to realistic prices. Earlier today i saw that the lowest hallowed 2s were selling for 500k, which should def not be seen as the consistent sell price (value). The galleon did use marketplace values for a bit but list updates are just too slow and/or small cuz nobody wants to work on a list and its still requires some common trading sense because of the aforementioned reason

Yes, rn i would say that that isnt the case but usually it was accurate enough to the point that a bit of trial and error with trading and/or research would allow you to find the marketprice of just about any item. Which has always been the galleon’s goal: to provide guidelines/heuristics/approximations of values (whatever term fits best ig)

I wish you luck, but I’m quite curious how you expect to ascertain the values of these items in a way that’s accurate, updated and objective

In which case let’s do that

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