Promote NPC fights (EvE)

I’m here to suggest promoting NPC fights for the propose of a more alive world and entertainment, in a fashion similar to the video here:

So far, fighting NPCs just exist to fight the player of the opposite rep and make no further attempts to play their role as a bandit or mercenary or the likes. They just stand around and ask the player do their work for them while a NPC of the opposite rep does the same thing, in plain sight, two hundred meters away. Shouldn’t these NPCs who work or steal for a living go out and do exactly that? If these bandits and mercenaries actually went out and do their jobs, it would make the world much more real and alive.

As shown in the video at the start, NPC fighting can also serve as a form of entertainment and even answer the questions of curious players. "Which of the two bosses is stronger?’ “Can a bandit camp beat a small MC fort?” “Can a group of mercenaries defeat a group of dark wizards?” These are questions that cannot be answered with absolute certainty because of the TGR, but also because the NPCs are mostly near-sighted and are completely lazy.

I suggest that NPCs should spawn more frequently and more closely to promote fighting. They should start to actively or sparingly seek to gain a certain amount of kill count daily before stopping at a space place to give quests to players, like a town or camp. There should also be some sort of fighting ring that have NPCs pitted against each other and allows players to bet on these matches. Players could also help set up these fights by going out to the wilderness and capture or seek candidates for these matches.

I understand that the TGR is coming and that most of my suggestions might not even work, but it’s been something I have been thinking of for a long time so I would like you guy’s opinion on this. Thanks.

can u imagine if every NPC was constantly moving around the map and fighting? the game would never rise above 5fps. Yea it adds more immersion however it doesn’t benefit the player in any way, and it’s definitely not worth it if the game dies in the process.

I think it’s fine as is rn


it’d be fun, but it’d also be laggy.


Epic suggestion but roblox is stupid and the game will lag I’m sure even vetex would love such stuff cause he added moving NPCs in World Of Magic in the first place after all but sadly for optimization purposes they’re being removed and stuff like this can’t happen.

PvPers experience the lag first hand but even if you aren’t a pvper I’m sure you experienced such high lag and FPS drops in World Of Magic


Aw gee

As much as I like npc vs npc battles (they are hella cool ik), I have to to disagree with this. The framerates would be below excruciating, even without considering map size and other mechanics.

I’m still voting for this though cause npc battles are cool and one of the reasons why I started/continued playing WoM. Plus, expanding upon them could be pretty fun.

There could be scripted EvE fights for stuff like quests. You know, one that could be client side due to it being part of the story. I’d like to see that instead.

i mean.
game already has a lot of things that you’d say are realistic
but nobody really appreciates them
this idea, even if tgr wasnt a thing and performance wasnt an issue, would just have the same fate

a better idea is if npc fights were spawned around players
like if a player is walking around in the wilderness and the server just spawns two npcs that will fight each other.
and if the player helps one of the npcs then they get a reward.
the realism is created, and the player benefits (in a way other than “oh wow look at how realistic this npc is for sleeping at night”)

Dynamic NPC suggestion