Proposition for possible boss drops removal

Boss drops are possibly being removed

I have recently heard that boss drops might be removed due to the possible removal of the current storyline and we will receive some sort of compensation if we had boss drops in our inventory. Most of us are assuming the compensation will be some mostly-useless vanity type item or some weak bracelet. Although Vetex did say it will be either of more or equal value, I am still worried that they will not be actual useable gear and they might all be rewarded with the same item (bursting mino helm = 1 og item, strong oath = 1 og item). This would make the value of that OG item low, because so many boss drops exist in general, just like how american seasonals have such a low value (but on a more miniscule scale with boss drops).

This is a major problem

Don’t know how many of you know those super rich traders with a lot of items, like @DoubleRun. But this would majorly suck for us. I myself have a high amount of various boss drops. Around 17 armor sets for each boss.

Imagine having each boss drop replaced by some crappy vanity item. I would have like 100 of these useless things. Not only is this pretty annoying, but to many it is heartbreaking having grinded for so many hours, having spent so much time trading and expanding your inventory and all of a sudden we’re going to poof everything away.

Please don’t make us into that person.

The proposition

I had an idea about how to handle this removal of boss weapons situation. Basically, instead of removing the items from the game, just “lock” them. You can probably see where this is going. Instead of removing all these hard earned items, just temporary lock them until a situation arises where they can be re-added. Vetex wants to remove the current storyline from what I’ve heard, that doesn’t mean the items have to be thrown out. Surely, a new boss/bosses will be added later on. Those new boss weapons could be the same as oathkeeper and vastira, but renamed and a bit remodeled. Same goes for the armor. Every boss armor/weapon should have a unique compensation for it. Not every single type of boss drop should be replaced by the same compensation, e.g) bursting 1 mino hat = the same compensation as 1 strong oath.

More details on proposition (click here)

And if people want the new boss stuff to be new, which totally makes sense to me, then maybe the exiled and minotaur boss items could be added a bit later on with other later bosses.
So basically, the boss drops we have from exiled and minotaur right now, they will get locked. And when the new boss content is added, that new boss’ loot could be what the exiled/mino’s loot is. This would prevent both, A) the loss of valuable boss drops and, B) the unobtainability players would deem unfair if the boss weapons stayed in the game without being able to be dropped anymore.

To try to make it more clear, the new bosses’ drops do not have to be the exact same as the mino and exiled. For example, later on 2 new bosses are added. Each boss corresponds to exiled and mino respectively. Say boss A drops the loot we currently have from the exiled. The armors can be changed up, for instance, instead of knock back there may be some other stat that this boss A’s armor gives. That is fine, the current exiled armor could just be changed to match that armor (it wouldn’t just match that armor, it would literally be the same armor). Kind of like how all strong weapons went from having orange sparkles to yellow ugly blobs after destructive became strong.

Moreover, the exiled and minotaur themselves could be added back into the storyline somehow. If this is not what Vetex wants to do that is totally fine and understandable, his game, his story. But similar bosses could at least be added that give new drops-and like I keep saying, our current boss drops could transform into those new drops when they are added.

Example: you have 1 oath keeper and an exiled armor set.

The oath and exiled armor gets locked due to the removal of the boss storyline. And later on new bosses are added. One of the bosses are boss A. Boss A drops armor that gives defense and some other stat, say casting speed. Boss A’s weapon could be a remodeled version of the oathkeeper, or the same (whatever Vetex wants). When these bosses are added in a new update, all of the exiled’s armor and weapons become Boss A’s weapons and drops. And those new boss weapon drops should have the same drop chance as the ones for exiled and mino (that way the values of those items are not lowered). That way you did not have to farm boss A for his weapons since you already farmed the exiled.

Moreover, the enchantment on the current boss drops we have should be kept for the new ones. Example, a bursting exiled chest is worth nothing whereas a hard exiled chest is worth quite more.


  1. People might say, “Oh but then that gives players with exiled stuff no new content to work towards.” Listen, it won’t prevent us from doing the storyline, just from hours upon hours of grinding, which is fair considering we already did it for items that we lost. New items and new content will be added to the game, and we will have to grind for those new items that do not correspond with any removed items. Moreover, if you only had an oathkeeper you will only get the oathkeeper-like sword of boss A, not his armor because you did not have exiled armor.

  2. Adding new content is preferable to re-adding old content in a remodeled and redesigned way. I totally understand and sympathize with Vetex if this is how he feels. I’m not that knowledgeable on everything about WoM, who works on it, who develops it, but I always thought Vetex did the major stuff on his own. Even so, those players who really loved WoM (and were unhealthily obsessed with it), really worked a lot to get all these boss drops. It would be more than saddening to just lose all of it for us. I just humbly ask that we are sympathized with.

Additional Idea to make Items OG but Still Fair

click here

After talking with other forum users a bit on my main discussion post for this topic, we came up with a new idea. Basically everything I already said, the items are kept and re-added with new lore and bosses-Except the items have an OG skin that is no longer obtainable after the TGR. What I’m saying is basically, the boss stuff will get locked until they are re-added through new lore-but when they are re-added, the re-added drops will have a new skin. The old skin we have for our boss stuff rn, that won’t be obtainable anymore. The new items could also have other names, for example oathkeeper could be called something like “Imperial Longsword,” (dumb example ik ik). But the all the current oathkeepers we have will still be called “oathkeeper.” The Imperial Longsword will still have all the same stats/function as an oath, meaning players after the TGR will not be at a disadvantage. There are 2 ways this could work,

  1. Old (current) skins for boss drops are the OG skin, and the new boss drops will have some new skin
  2. The current boss drops can have their skin remodeled (ex; black exiled armor sounds pretty sick, and an oath with a red hilt). And the new boss drops take on the old (current) skins. Or they could also have a new skin that isn’t the old (current) skin but it also isn’t the OG unobtainable skin (black exiled armor).

That’s all folks

Obviously, this is just a base foundation of an idea/suggestion that can be refined and worked upon. If you guys have any betters ideas or anything that could be tweaked, comment it down below. Thanks for reading.

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he can fit vast in the lore, as they are at war and it’s a battle axe
and also make it newer because yknow it probably will be newer

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yeah, that’s a perfect fit

For fucks sake can’t Vetex just rename the bosses, if not give them a re-skin?

The weapon abilities are generic, so those don’t have to be changed.

You could even give them a new model, or maybe just change the bosses. The weapon models are pretty generic too.


Dear god if Vetex gives me 300 crowns for my strong oath as reimbursement I’m quitting the game.


We all know it’s gonna be an item

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oathkeepers are gonna decline in value soon anyway cos of the heavy nerfs

Even worse, that hat is trash compared to most end-game AR items, imagine if Vetex did that to us?
I agree with your suggestion, I’ll vote for it when my vote limit ends.

yeah ive heard from people that it will be of “equal or greater value,” but just in case it was gonna be some unobtainable vanity item, i suggest this instead

just turn the exiled into the swordsman and the minotaur into krato-

in all seriousness this is a good idea

Btw, the crown has really good stats, maybe not as good as a legendary weapon, but it has incredibly high trading value. Its about equal to theos’s gauntlet.

oh that’s news to me

i just assumed it was an OG vanity item.

I only voted for you because you’re cool. I’m still mad from that time when you stole my trade at the last moment.

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im out of likes >:(

why not just keep the weapons as a kind of trophy for playing before TGR, maybe nerf them a bit to be more of a gimmick than a useful weapon

that’s also an option i’m okay with, because even if the items are nerfed they would have eventually have been outclassed by higher level weapons anyway

i might actually prefer this tbh

but i dont know about what everyone else would feel about this. many would probably complain about how these items are unobtainable, even if they are nerfed. idk good suggestion though

or just add weapons with the same abilities and turn these ones into skins or something lol

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Bruh you’ll probably get items that are gonna be double the value of the original boss items. :man_facepalming: This isn’t AR where your progress towards legendary weapons are wiped, no, they’re being entirely removed from the game. and you’re being given something for them.

Turn Minotaur into a pirate captain and Exiled into a city defender like Alelea’s guard captains.

Problem solved mostly.

you fail to understand the main message

it isn’t just about losing items that i use. i dont even use exiled armor or vastira.

that doesn’t mean i’m, or we’re, find with just a bunch of loot that took so many hours to grind :man_facepalming:

i have like 20 sets of minotaur and 20 sets of exiled armor. it’s still valuable items in my inventory. the trading and economy part of wom makes up 90% of my participation.

perfect idea. i actually thought of this an hour ago on my discussion post for this.

this way the current items become OG as a reward to players of the former WoM, all the while the items have the same abilities and stats and other obtainable items in the game