(Pt. 1) Isaiah's Guide to all Races and Unnaturals - Cryonical's Worldbuilding


Hello. About 2 months ago, I finished my travels around the world, in which I made many discoveries; Ancient remnants, incredible natural wonders, and even the discovery that the Earth was round. However, this here writing is a testament to the different races you can find around this world, and where under the stars they live.


Danger Level - 3/5

Feels quite funny to be writing about one of my own. However, humans are, in fact, a threat to other humans, so their tendencies and common goals must be documented. Humans, despite being common, are fairly technologically advanced, and may commonly resort to violence as a result of leadership, money, fame and being part of something great. These are all things I saw back at my studies in Calina during my third hiatus. Despite us humans being us, we can pose a significant threat if we get in the way of these goals, if they are motivated enough and backed up by enough power. Additionally, some humans are just flat out crazy… best to stay away from em. Though I’ve always seen humans as the baselines for other races, that doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. In a situation that you face off against a human, you yourself can simply put yourself in their shoes… what would solve this conflict…? A lot of times, gold.


Danger Level - 4/5

We know surprisingly little about Harpies. Even though they were previously thought to have only lived in the Mari Sierra, we have actually recently discovered that their main capital is in the Diamond Talon. I’m lucky that I can’t succumb to cold, since this area was probably blockaded from explorers due to it’s formidable weather, temperature, altitude, and glaciers. Due to recent decipherations of Zanshi, and even some rare Harpy and human tag-team work, they seem to have a main country named “Deolas”, which I’ve observed to have immense political and cultural balance, a utopia in our current world.

The old news, however, is that most Harpies despise all other races, especially humans, viewing them as lesser beings. Though they are carnivorous, they will not consume the flesh of most races… something cultural, or because we are viewed as such scum? Additionally, they despise the Cursed in particular… I was barely able to escape from their territory alive, even though I had barely entered its walls. If you are approached by a Harpy, or if you stumble upon one, do not try to communicate or make noise. Instead, crumple onto your hands and knees, in your deepest bowing pose. Do anything they try to signal at, and be hasty.

Though Harpies love duels, and will usually leave the opponent alive, the race difference, as well as the lack of communication between you and the Harpy will leave this an impossible goal. If you find yourself at an immediate threat to a Harpy attack, and submission does not work, there is little you can do. As a last resort, you can most likely easily escape through the thick foliage, which a Harpy’s wingspan will have difficulty traversing through. They cannot fly here, either, and their vision is limited. Do not jump in the water, as they will spear you like a fish and have great eyesight.

Lastly, do not try to fight a Harpy, even with weapons. Harpies are extremely agile, powerful, and can perform an absurdly spectacular array of skills using their wings and the spikes on them. I had the misfortune of going through such a trial myself, to which nearly lost, despite my status as a highly-reverenced Cursed. It seems Harpies have devised tactics to neutralize Curse users such as myself. It is also apparent that Harpies are as intelligent as humans, if not more so, but with lesser technology. I was not able to get close enough to observe their knowledge about the world, and unsurprisingly, I was unable to read the contents of their cursed library, Reverence Tower.


Danger Level - 5/5

Sempiscs are probably one of the most famous threats in this world, devouring any meat they can get their spindly fingers on, including humans… alive. To top it off, they are quite populous. Though they live in the water, it is clear that especially in less dry environments, their skin can survive minutes in air, and a slime they produce can further prolong this period of time. Therefore, it is suggested to live at least half a mile away from oceans, rivers, and lakes that are known to be habitable to Sempiscs.

During the day, Sempiscs are much less active, as they are seemingly creatures that are nocturnal in their nature. However, a desperate Sempisc has proven to not mind a light snooze in the shallow water, waiting for unsuspecting prey. Why they don’t do this all the time is unknown, as it seems quite effective. I’m guessing it leaves them open to attack; I have witnessed a Harpy spear a Sempisc in glorious fashion on several occasions; it seems they hunt them for sport, for whatever reason, but staying near a Harpy is not a particularly realistic or viable option for a multitude of reasons. If you must travel on or near water at night, do so with a bright moon, which may intimidate them into not following you above water if it comes to such.

When sailing, avoid dropping anchors when possible, and stay away from large storms or rough seas. Sempiscs will often gather around these areas, and I have had one too many experiences of the kind for it to be coincidental. They must be able to pick up on vibrations caused by these temperaments. Certainly, it is more plausible for a captain and crew to be in disarray in such weather and roughs, and more opportune for snatching them up. If you fall in the water and you suspect there is a Sempisc nearby, either make a mad swim for it, or, if there is somebody nearby and they are notified, and you think you are not too visible, tread water extremely silently until you can get help; Sempiscs do not seem to have a particularly avid sense of smell, more so senses of sight, and hearing and touch especially. Do not do anything besides run, or, if you are extremely lucky, stay silent to passerby Sempiscs and pray you can hold your breath and keep your heart beating silently and slowly for long enough.

In any Sempisc encounter on land in which you somehow cannot run away, attempt hiding. However, this is risky, as Sempiscs are familiar with human technology and thought. Therefore, picking a bad area is a death sentence, especially on a ship which Sempiscs are seizing, not considering they may water-log it. This is a worst case scenario, and if it has already progressed this far, you are doomed. They can open doors, pick locks, and use weapons, as Sempiscs possess indisputably human intelligence. Despite this, though, due to a Sempisc’s less than optimal senses on land, along with a time limit, hiding may prove effective.

Intimidation may be an option if you are on land, but it is a last resort. Though it is not effective underwater due to their immense sensitivity to vibrations in the water, therefore not needing vision, Light is an effective tool to intimidate a Sempisc; things such as bright moonlight, sunlight, and a direct light source are potently harmful to their eyes, and so something like a torch and a lantern can prove threatening as well. Exposed flame may also dry them up and cause a fall back into whence they came. If the Sempisc is on land, loud noise can intimidate their sensitivity to vibrations. However, this is a definite last resort.

In the case you are at immediate danger to a Sempisc, and you do not have an option to run, hide, intimidate, or swim away, the best way to deal with one is to cut off its stinger. The main weapon of a Sempisc containing the most feared venom produced by any beast, if you get stung by such, your body will fail you, your limbs will go limp, and you will be unable to cry out in the immense pain you experience. I myself miraculously survived such an ordeal by having a friend nearby over 320 years ago, though it is not recommended to save someone in this situation or encourage someone to, as the savior in question is likely to be added as an appetizer to their course. However, trying to disarm a stinger is risky, as it involves not actively avoiding it.

Even if you manage to do such a thing, there is a chance the Sempisc will become a victim of the sunk cost fallacy, and continue to pursue you. In this situation, you are still at risk of being wrapped by their tail and dragged underwater, though, without their stinger, you have a chance of life. If this happens, try to break their fingers, as they can sometimes be brittle due to their length. Also, attempt to drive a sword or other blade through their mouth if they make an attempt at biting a chunk out of you, something like a rapier is especially effective due to its high leniency with water. Target their veil-like fins if possible as well, as they are highly sensitive and may catalyze their amazing sense of touch. In any case, make a match with a Sempisc quick: Sempiscs are not loners in any sense, and where there is one, there may be another. And, oftentimes, it’s too late.

Through all this, Sempiscs are something to be avoided at all costs, unless you are some sort of professional. Even then, I have disdain for such an unnecessarily risky and rewardless activity. There are current studies analyzing Sempiscs’ social behavior, though I must admit that the researchers participating are far braver than I.


Danger Level - 2/5

Farioka are commonly domesticated by humans, which makes most of them docile. At worst, they can be halfheartedly aggressive if they receive the opportunity and have enough motivation, which is notably rare. However, there are still small groups of Farioka that are free, most of them residing in the Deeproot Swamp. Upon visiting here, I discovered that they spoke Zanshi, had complex culture revolving around reciprocity to the natural world, a quality which I admire in our day and age, and human or higher levels of intelligence. They also possess fairly primitive technology, such as blowdarts, bows, and daggers. Through my endeavors in the dreary Deeproot Swamp, I also discovered that, even perhaps if today’s domesticated Farioka are seemingly lesser than human, the Farioka of old, a remnant which I found here, could have perhaps been even greater, and that the prospect of today’s common Farioka as a result of human cruelty, greed, and indifference is indeed a tragic and horrifying element of our culture, the permanence and ethical standpoint of which must be up for debate.

This mentioned, the Deeproot Farioka also have a deep hatred for humans, though it may not be immediately apparent. This is probably likely to a lack of human settlement on Deeproot, and a lack of any Farioka from Deeproot moving out of it. Of course, due to their Zanshi tongue, I could not understand any cultural or religious reasoning to either their brothers’ “weakness” or why they have not found some sort of way to create at least minor vessels to travel to Crossland, which is visible from the southwest coast of Deeproot.

If you encounter a Farioka which clearly has its’ antlers, arms, eerily human eyes, and confident stance, all things which are trademarks of the Farioka that have not underwent such a significant transformation due to human interference, the likely option is to escape through the swampland, assuming you encounter one at their homeland. Depsite them having lived here for an indeterminably long period of time, as information regarding domestication of Fariokas is practically mythical due in part to the rarity of recorded information and the technology surrounding it, their stature and antlers make traveling through the dense foliage inefficient, and their hooves sink into bogs easily.

I have found that acting submissive offends some groups that live in the Deeproot Swamp, as if it was a taunt or vulgar gesture. It is especially a death sentence if you crouch small onto the ground, since in the case that they do not accept your apology, you are placing yourself at complete mercy of their most powerful weapons, their hooves, which can and possibly will crush your skull in this predicament. When “negotiating” with your life, seek to be respectful and reverent instead of submissive and pathetic. Make sure to keep at a safe distance from a kick if you can, though.

In the situation you must fight, long spears or bows are most effective, as, depending on the weapon, they may outrange a kick. However, the antlers of a male Farioka, though it is a tactic I have not seen used, could be extremely potent at disarming a spearman through entangling the polearm and spearhead with their branches, which are thick and tough. I would deem a sneak attack particularly ineffective due to the immensely powerful and selective hearing of a Farioka, a quality that is even somewhat present in the modern domesticated versions.

Besides this, I know little about the culture and fighting aptitude and style of wild Farioka. Domesticated Farioka, as already explained, are nearly never a threat.

- Isaiah Boa


Remind me to read this later when I’ve got time

Click on the “…” under the post then you can set a bookmark

None of these look like “When I have time” unfortunately

Can set a custom date?

Nvm read it just now it’s great

Yeah they’re extremely dangerous and all but what are they going to do against my secret weapon?

that is some great writing once again cryo, btw what happened to the odyssey feed?

Starting it with the next update, I already explained this on the Odyssey Feed topic.

What secret weapon…

If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret weapon.


Yes, that’s what they are… to an extent.



Remind me to read this when I have time :fr:

Do you have time now?

Liessssss Hisss

If harpies hunt Sempiscs for sport, do they eat them too? You know how hunters would hunt deer for sport and then either eat them or keep them displayed. What would a Sempisc taste like?

Yes, I do have time now :slight_smile:

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I’m assuming there would be some discord about the ethical implications of doing so, but I’m sure it happens. I was thinking of just hunting for sport, but some Harpies would probably use the meat as well. I would imagine Sempisc tastes like eel.