Puckle type ship gun

Puckle type ship gun https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/1/0/103a8beb0353d7708eb342d1f9edbf7fe6ce5073.jpeg
effort 4.333333333333333 3 quality 4.333333333333333 3 reasonability 3.333333333333333 3

i don’t

It’s probable that the AU started counting their years at a different time than we did

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Really cool and high effort idea that would make naval combat a lot better. I’m a bit concerned that this gun can pick off players too easily though, I’d add reloading so players can counterattack while being pelted with this (might not be accurate to real life though).

I think it’s fine for canon. The design doesn’t have to be exactly the same as real life (though it should be similar), the main idea is to have a turret on your ship. You can make if magic powered to make it make sense anyways.

would be cool to be able to aim cannons without turning your ship to face the enemy, tho probably would need to deal less damage or something

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