Punching is cool?

Why isn’t punching in the game AA had it and it was fun :neutral_face:


is in fact,

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: O punching is amazing my friend you don’t even need magic

fair enough

it becomes a meme just like the wooden club :sunglasses:

I actually think punching is a good idea, when you get inside the game you don’t have a sword or anything just 1 magic attack that could take while to hit people with depending what it is. So melee is a good idea. I’m actually surprised it wasn’t added yet because it’s just such a basic concept.


Imagine trying to punch a tree.

That’s minecraft

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kicking better
being stepped on is better

Punching isn’t added cause our arms aren’t THICK enough.

Punching will likely exist when fighting styles come, in addition to awakened tier.

yeah but it’d be nice to have it with a base moveset now anyway

If fist weapons were added, yeah.

waiting for tier 3 for that
because apparently we need to fully master our first mind to learn how to punch something

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pretty sure by ‘melee’ attacks it means the ones that were in AA, like the E and F’s. you know, those “grab” moves.

i sure hope you’re right
im hoping for at least some kind of way that’ll let us at least punch or something before then

yeah, there will be as can be seen in the trello in “features”

i also feel like the reason magic melee attacks are tier 3 is because, if you think about it, in AA they were pretty brutal. i can only imagine they’d get even more brutal with the customization options we’ll be given in WoM


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martial arts, different fighting styles-

Kicking is better than punching change my mind.