I wonder what kind, if any, punishment the player will suffer if they die.
you lose crowns… thats all also mid game
You lose money. If you had any treasure charts, you lose them on death. If your ship was destroyed, you need to pay to repair it. I assume you also lose your cargo. However, the most damage done by dying is the damage to your hubris.
losing crowns
respawning somewhere you didn’t want to be if you count that
less dopamine
You lose crowns. And the lose is percentage based so it stays relevant through all stages of the game and doesn’t become unimportant just cuz you have alot of crowns.
You losing around 10%~15% of your current amount of crowns.
no more exploration
17 bobuck
forgot to read the category and thought you meant irl lmao
If you die in AO, you die irl
Sword Art Online and its consequences.
I mean AO might release in 2022 and Nervegear was cancocially released in 2022
coincidence? I think not
no we still in wom
we should call em sea shells cause shells pretty