Fixing NPCs
NPCs- We know them. They’re kind of unfair. This suggestion aims to make them more player-like as well as more fair.
Part I: Blocking
NPCs randomly block or parry attacks. You may find yourself asking, “What’s wrong with that? Can’t we incorporate a gameplay mechanic for players into NPCs?” Yes, we can. This is not the way to do it.
It’s artificially difficult the way NPCs randomly choose to negate half of your damage, even during moves.
NPCs no longer randomly block/parry attacks. In exchange, while not attacking, if a player attack is imminent, NPCs now have a chance to block and walk to their side. Attached is a visualization of how I believe it should work.
Part II: Inaccuracy
As of now, NPCs have absolutely perfect accuracy. They always shoot where either you are or where you’re going to be. This creates an issue because high-risk, high-reward precision weapons are all reward, as seen with the Yuletide boss, Natasha, who wields a bow.
I propose that NPCs should have an accuracy percentage based on their level relative to max, and they should have a chance to incorrectly predict where you’ll be based on that percentage.
The accuracy rating should range from 20% at 0% of the max level to 90% at 100% of the max level, and the chance to incorrectly predict should be half of the inverse.
This should apply to ranged M1s as well as projectiles and placed explosions and other attacks of that nature.
All in all, I believe these two changes would be healthy for the game in its entirety. Thank you for reading through this suggestion.
Edit 1:
@Frigidus suggested that blinding status effects should reduce the accuracy rating, and I agree. The accuracy rating should drop by 5% of the npc’s base accuracy per stack. For example, an NPC with base 80% accuracy and 5 stacks of blind should have 20% accuracy temporarily.
Edit 2:
@anon82332293 pointed out that blinding status effects may be too overpowered on bosses/minibosses, so they should work at half efficiency. King Calvus with 5 blind stacks should drop accuracy by 12.5% of his base accuracy instead of 25%.
Edit 3:
opticalcord fuck you out of spite you rb1 alt
Edit 4:
@iforgotmeword mentioned that NPCs can limitlessly chain attacks. I propose giving them stamina and energy meters to remedy this, where if they run out of stamina they display sweat particles and stop dashing/t-jumping for the duration, and if they run out of energy they charge for about 3 seconds to replenish their energy fully.