Push non-party members off living ships

Push non-party members off living ships https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/7/a/7af08f36ebb0a231107c2cfa3e14d178f0537ef5.png
effort 4.333333333333333 6 quality 4.0 6 reasonability 4.333333333333333 6

extra comment for a bit of extra logic:

the damage resistance and knockback resistance was meant to prevent attacking you while you’re on your ship from being viable, although i can see the problems that can come from not making this a two way street

the knockback resistance specifically is to help prevent builds like strength or wind mages from knocking you off of your ship and out of the bubble of safety that your ship provides, but maybe it would be better to save the damage resistance for only if you’re on a ship seat (i.e., the helm or the cannons) and reduce the knockback a little bit

PLEASE!!! ily

me with my 102 speed and 24k ship health:
(just get better fr)

Well, I’ve clearly been doing it all wrong.

little tip: use brisk sailcloth and not warship, then it doesnt fuck up your ship durability

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