PvP balance discussion thread

Also y’all understand that it’s not like a garunteed hit right

Calvus has it and it’s honestly pretty easy to dodge, even with the explosions from (I assume) the high tier

unless u have the misfortune of being in endlag when it triggers

also it has zero skill expression


Don’t think this is gonna change anything though, it’s gonna be added, it’s gonna be busted, and it’s gonna either be reworked into something normal, or permanently terrible cuz meta fought someone who abused it once

even if by some miracle it’s weak, i hate it conceptually

This is an opinion™
It has 0 weight in a discussion, because it doesn’t point out anything new.
I discourage people from just using these in arguments, as it contributes nothing

alright fair enough

i don’t think that array can hit during grab frames but after is free game

I cant wait for array! Always happy for new spells… Espeicially since surge is no longer pve worthy!


And this cannon spell sounds fun, since we have access to its ult art! So, thatll be very nice!


Pretty certain a moderator said it could let me see if I can find the message

Stay cool, Game, stay cool… remember what your therapist told you. PVP can be beneficial, there are people who genuinely enjoy it consensually… there’s no need for your usual tirade. You haven’t even played AO in over a month… it’s okay, it’s okay. Just think of a acceptable, normal thing to say that won’t spawn disagreement…

So uh, blast is a pretty alright spell. I think.

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Bosses should drop the rare spells to make it fair to non-weapons builds.

ERM ACTUALLY… nah it is pretty balanced if its not a water paladin.

but like, weapons only get 5 slots and constantly have to switch weapons. rare spells from bosses wouldn’t make much sense either since either boss knew skill or can’t use it

No, you know how bosses drop their weapons when you defeat them? They should drop their spells and techniques too, because the playership is already getting their moves through scrolls, so they should just be drops.

Mods ban this guy for baiting, blast spamming is a serious problem.

What, you mean THE move?

This is a good idea, you should suggest it