PvP balance discussion thread

how would they drop a spell that they learned? its not like they wrote it down for you before they died. weapons make sense to take and also pretty are just types with different stats now

Me and what suggestor role?

me and my suggester role

also pretty much nothing now gets in

Because if you can strip them naked and takes their clothes by fighting a PTSD hallucination of them, then you can learn array from Calvus.

but like thats just cause they got nice armor that happened to drop and you pick up and wear. its not like you can take their head with you and use the absorbtion curse to take their magic

Then we’ll say your experience fighting them caused you to learn from them.

what do you do if you not magic or strength. the main issue is the scroll part since you would need scroll. plus you can get scrolls fairly easily at sea or trading since there are so many

I just want boss drops focused on magic and strength moves, and not just weapons ane vitality.

You can get weapons from bosses, what if you aren’t a weapon build?

but the weapons is a physical object, the issue is that you would learn from fighting them as getting a scroll they happened to just have in their back pocket doesn’t work

if its learning from them then you need that build.

Mirages alone exist for gameplay only.

ok, but calvus is the only person with a rare spell and technique being blitz and array. who would drop pulsar etc.

They could also drop from chests, but bosses that use these attack can also drop them

Blitz goes to Carina. And why would a boss drop pulsar?

no sorry i wrote that bad, yea carina has blitz but im saying what boss would drop the other spells/techniques since no other bosses use them (carina with selino and axe slash as well)

They wouldn’t. They’re in Sealed Chests like they always have been. It’s not lkke bosses only drop weapons and nothing else does.

but then wouldn’t it be kinda inconsistant?

the difference is that the boss weapons don’t have unique abilities like rare scrolls