PvP balance discussion thread

You realize that the extreme, extreme majority of us do not care about player kills, right? It’s just a number that means nothing. PvPers PvP to have fun. The same way that pvers play the game to have their fun, or just how any other player does what they do to have fun.

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I wonder who you’re going to flex those 1727828 npc kills to. Hmmm.

total speedmage death january 2025

crazy work

Npc kills is as worthless as player kills (unless if it storyline Npc you have to fight)

that is exactly what he is saying, pvpers do NOT care about player kills whatsoever.

There is nothing wrong with spending time pvping, just as there is nothing wrong spending time pveing. The two communities shouldn’t really be (and really aren’t) as seperate as they are made out to be, and in my opinion are seperated by their small vocal minorities which hold increasingly contrasting views.

I feel like PvE and PvP can’t naturally coexist so I feel like the separation between them is a good thing and should be encouraged. The 2 have very different draws after all.

In fact we need a PvP progression route and a PvE one. That way the 2 communities can stop being pissed about the other.

I say this as a PvPer with no morals btw

Oh shit voidwalker.

Ah yes ganking pve builds being the easiest way to progress will definitely encourage people to improve at pvp. This definitely won’t send the community into a downward spiral leading to no meaningful pve content being added anymore and the dev being forced to exclusively pander to PvP because they drove away all the pve players.

Hey this sounds kind of familiar-

Did you miss the part where I said that we should separate PvE and PvP???

I was saying that we should just put all the PvP players into a PvP progression route away from the PvErs

how did you get the opposite point out of that?

Ok then, how does the PvP based progression system work

I’m curious, why do you think they cannot coexist? For the most part, PvPers leave PvErs alone, and stick to their own communities such as elyisum and servers mostly filled with their friends. It’s also not like pvpers do not participate in pve, as well.

That’s not to say it’s without issues, but i wouldn’t say it’s to the issue where we need to be completely, permanently separated.


I dunno, something that levels you through PvP means. Something like Route Lineage or Fighting game, I personally wanna see a ranked leveling progression system however that works.

(This can be turned on at any time so a person isn’t locked into doing one or the other. And PvE players are omitted from this. Had to clarify so you didn’t misinterpret again)

There’s a video that represents how I feel in a nutshell

But to summarize, while there are people who like both PvP and PvE. There are probably more people who only like 1 or the other which means it’s bad to force it on them. In the case of AO PvErs are forced into world PvP and PvPers are forced to do Dark Sea for their builds. This generally pisses people off and things get toxic

Then add in the fact that there are a bajillion kids playing Roblox and now the problem is increased by 10x

(There are probably other reasons but I forgor right now)

I’m not completely sure about what you said, but wouldn’t this essentially make AO a completely different game for pvpers? Wouldn’t this throw the dozens of progression methods and features, alongside the entire story out of the window?

Maybe this could work with a different approach, or maybe I’m not understanding what you’re saying. I just doubt this would work well.

It would throw the entire game out the window and make an entirely different game but as long as it solves the issue I think it’ll work. They can also switch to PvE when they feel like experiencing the story too.

And most new players will pick the PvE route so they’ll stick to the story Vetex intended as well.

This would require some meticulous design and refinement as well though.

I don’t have enough time as of now to watch your video, but I understand what you’re saying with your summary. I don’t think the issue is widespread enough as of now to make huge changes. In my opinion, I think that a bit of forced interaction is a good thing, depending on how it comes along and how important the result is. But to respond to your argument, what if the necessities obtained through pve, and pvp, could be gained through the other, even if it’s less efficient? (so something such as an exotic scroll could be obtained by bounty hunting a certain amount of preferably pvpers, and the mirroring PvP-items could somehow be obtained in pve.)

Sorry for the block of text that’s starting to get jumbled, it’s a complicated topic that I should probably spend more time thinking about.

Your idea is pretty good for the PvP and buildmaking side of things but there’s still the issue of people upset about getting ganked in PvE.

My idea for that without the use of a PvP toggle is to separate the leaderboards to dissuade people.

Obviously it’s not going to help against people doing it for fun but warding off some is better than nothing.

Here’s the thing,

90% of random ganks against pve players are for fun. I have neutral renown all the time, every time I get even friendly I go to silverhold. And I still get ganked along with everyone else. The only people I see getting ganked for renown are leaderboard players, which are prepared to handle it. And then some water mage named “ooio” decides to spawncamp in sameria anyway. We don’t just need to remove the incentive to do it, we need to DISCOURAGE random ganking of pve players.

this problem would be solved in seconds if 12 year olds didn’t have a power fantasy