PvP changes AO NEEDS


Hello all, my name is JellyfishEdward, or EdTheAcidMan, or Lolwutboipr0. and today i will be telling you some changes we absolutely need to keep the games pvp scene alive and healthy.

  1. Weapon/ability rebalance

Some weapons are far too under/overpowered, so here is my suggested changes.

Atlantean mace: Power increase to 3.111111, Rarity change to Junk (or whatever the old boot tier is called i forgot), Does 20% more damage to players who have not showered (gotten soaked) in the last 48 ingame hours (2 day/night cycles)

Vindicator:+ 0.2 size

Kai sabre: Damage decrease to 0.1, Speed increase to 3.2
Currently kai sabre does too much damage and is far too slow.
This should get it in a better place.

Flying Phoenix:
Upon using Flying Phoenix, You are Permabanned from Life.

Ravenna greataxe: Size increase to 1.1, speed decrease to 0.85

Beast instinct: Can now be put on katanas, renamed to Judgement Cut End

  1. Fighting style rebalances

Basic combat: Now removed, you start with a random fighting style that can be rerolled for 199R, all mentors have been removed.

Thermo fist: As thermo fist is still too overpowered and oppressive, have it removed from the game.

Sailor style, the higher your saltwater is, the blurrier your screen gets. at max, you black out and wake up at your spawn location.

Iron leg: You move 50% slower while having this fighting style. Damage increased to 1.2x (not accounting for Bleed)

  1. Magic rebalances

Acid: Damage buffed to 9.0x

Everything else: Nerf in all stats by 0.3x

  1. Other changes

Upon launching arcane odyssey, the game will close and instead open Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future if you have fightcade installed on your system. Otherwise, it will bluescreen your pc.


Overall, i think these changes will make arcane odyssey into a much more respected and well balanced pvp game.

I must return to the slayer grind on guilty gear strive, stay dandy.


The dressing is erroneous overall; failure to properly cook the chicken has resulted in a residual stench of blood and other unpleasant odors; the sauce is too thick to bring out a deep flavor; the inconsistent cuts of the meat contribute to the serving’s inability to rouse one’s appetite. The season and spices are a complete disaster, and the taste in my mouth is even worse than plaster. Lacking sugar, you tossed two and a half spoons of butter, and the end result simply belongs right in the gutter. Yi Sang. I must ask if you aim to throng my teeth and prong my tongue by cooking wrong- seeing as this plate’s a headstrong lens to ding-dong notions of what food is to you all along.

(also this is a joke if you couldnt tell)


meursault mentioned

Nerf thermo :100::100::100::100::speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

still too strong, you should be completely banned off Roblox instead.

Thank you for the feedback, this has been adjusted.

Understood, Manager.

now i have to read this whole ass text wall just for a bit of brainrot

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never let yi-sang cook again

imo the only needed change is PvP removal :speaking_head::speaking_head::fire::fire::fire: