If u say other wise, you’re ignorant. Compared to release and previous meta’s pvp has came along way balance wise. Instead of having only one ar 2 viable “meta builds” there are a good variety of options that are very good now and compete well with eachother. People need to give this game more credit pvp wise because it has definitly improved and is pretty fun.
To go a little more in depth about the current pvp scene and whats to come in the future you guys need to be able to understand everythings strengths and weaknesses before saying “atk spd is too OP” “AOE is too op”
Attack speed will always be the highest risk/reward playstyle its far harder than using AOE and most people would agree with that.
None the less aoe will always be consistently good but will be outclassed against someone who is not just competent but talented at using attack speed.
Lastly agility, agility is somthing alot of people are negligent to so they can buff their other stats which is fine but to put simply no matter what nerfs they put to agility u will NEVER be able to catch some one who runs significantly higher agility and atk spd than you.
I made this post because lots of people cpmplain about pvp, and aren’t reasonable about it. Pvp is to be competitive and creative push boundaried make a build thats nt rlly used or has been tested, theres a large array of possibilites and people have the audacity to say current pvp takes no thought process or skill. There are still lots of problems with pvp but my point still stands its gotten alot better and is definitly enjoyable if your actually making an effort to get good at it.