Pvp should be optional

Basically, if you have a guild you’ll be hunted a lot so be careful if you ever make a guild

:fr: image

Vetex already removed them, that screenshot was before they got removed for the second time.


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Wikia gang

Since when was WoM focused on pvp.Dark Souls was always easy…

wom isnt focussed on pvp alone but pvp is definitely a big aspect of it.
Anyways were you killed a lot as a lvl 45 for infamy when the guild update just released or past halloween update?

Yeah pretty much

I can’t say how bizarre this post sounds, PVP will never be optional as it’s a main focus for many in WoM/AO and keeps quite a large portion of the active community strapped to the game. And your excuse fo infamy gain is a bit strange too, but in all regards, if you seriously think this should be a legitimately be an ingame feature I have nothing against your opinion, just it doesn’t sit right with me.

This also seems like something any casual player who doesn’t understand others and their own ideals would say. I think somebody already pointed that out though.

PvP is optional, it’s just that a lot of the features in game require you to engage in PvP. You can still enjoy the game without doing much PvP, let alone any at all.

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you cant take infamy from anyone below level 90 from months ago, also i would like to say that i believe guilds are a pvp focused game mechanic, and while being in a guild, youre expected to be killed.
if you do not want to pvp, which is a respectable decision, then you shouldnt join a guild in the first place

i know the kind of person i sound like while talking like this ok dont make fun of me

This is why TL0 and TL1 people aren’t allowed to make suggestions

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You called Dark Souls easy but pvping in WoM hard :expressionless:

TL2 can though

You fr had an argument with them :fr:

Oh wait that’s member innit?


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people like you aren’t welcome on this forum,
go play your adopt me or bb sim if you wanna whine to the devs

That’s kinda mean dude, even if he has bad takes he should still be welcome.

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Yep. This is his welcoming.

Kinda deserved as well because this dude fr be tryin to add peaceful mode into a game about magic,combat,and war.

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oh no! someone killed me for no reason, imma be fuuuuuummming because I’m maaaaad