PvP's Growing Pains, and the Slow Change from Skill to Strategy

so like what if i use canon fist and glass imbued weapons as a savant (and atlantian great sword)

nah aint no way u said this :skull:

Its pretty fast paced the average player cant keep up with pvp heads

you also get hp when leveling up lol

doesn’t make it a high skill ceiling, your average player can’t keep up because they have a shit build

nah aint no way u said this :skull:

Minmaxxing a build takes like a day. Idk why people complain so much about the grind theres a bunch of short cuts so if ur average then thats ur problem for being i inferior dont put average peoples problems who arent actually invested into the game lumped with people who actually enjoy playing and know how to grind efficiently

Theres like 10 different meta builds rn. what build reigns as the best build over the rest rn if there isnt build diversity?

Im not going to even argue with you cuz build diversity is huge rn idk how u could disagree

Fully making a build makes a day?! Woahhh, teach me your ways man! I need some of that knowledge…

“people who don’t spend 24 hours grinding for a build don’t deserve to pvp”

your average player isn’t a nolife who will spend 24 hours on a game in a day.

P sure he was talking about old WoM, when the level cap was only 90.


I firmly believe the community is one of the worst things about the game, which is really sad. I believe most of the reason the playerbase is like this is because a lot of players may come from anime fighter games, which also possess pretty corrosive communities of their own. We can only hope that as the game gets more and more famous among the platform, more people will eventually clean up this mess.

I will admit, I was shamefully part of that meta at one point. I tried to fix that with a wind mage focusing on size and not much attack size, before going to firelock and remaking that make into a snow-water (And now, snow-ice) mage.

I feel like I’ve steadily gotten worse since picking up warlock, though. What advice would you give to someone who wants to try improving?

Oh yeah, What do you think about world PvP? I think it’ll be a huge problem in the future considering people will be able to obliterate sailor’s lodge players in one hit using enormous attacks. And i’ve seen people do this in anime games as well, so i’m only worried the worst will eventually come to us. I might just be paranoid, though.

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We’ve gotta practice again lettuce :D!

Honestly right now, there seems to be a growing feeling of resentment towards the PVP community. It’s no help that people from more toxic anime fighting games are seeping into AO and making the PVP community more toxic.

From what I’ve seen, most PVPers right now don’t care about bounty hunting or friendly matches: they just spawn in at Ravenna, and start trying to kill the first player they see, or sit around at Sailor’s farming low levels for free kills.

I’m not surprised that there’ve been like, what? Three suggestions for a PVP toggle on/off feature. Most PvPers seem to be getting more and more toxic and lacking basic decency nowadays, and act incredibly antagonistic towards other people who may not like PVP as much. The community definitely needs to change and PvP needs to be actually diverse and focused around strategy instead of investing everything into one stat and flying around with reflex dodges.

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Its easy bre u cant?

Nu… I cannot do that hahha, it took me… hours of gameplay to do such

What is bro talking about :skull:
Unless you did it in 24 hours, which is physically impossible to have that much free time, then i don’t even know how you did that.
depending on what you need for the build…it might take a week, or even months if it’s sunken, because sunken grind’s a grueling experience.
But the times can be shortened if you got good stuff to trade people with for these, but people overpay, so it varies.

Scams newbie 5year olds for alll their valuable items*

Dont actually do this im kidding :skull:

how do you get sunkens, perfect jewelcrafting, enchants, and modifiers in one day?