[ 🔨 Quartermaster ] Aureus Keos, The Lost Centurion

[ 🔨 Quartermaster ] Aureus Keos, The Lost Centurion https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/0/c/0c45b1f42dcaa7b72a1f5582d0dbc27e34079f36.jpeg
effort 5.0 32 quality 4.90625 32 reasonability 4.424242424242424 33

As someone who makes long winded high quality suggestions. This is the highest quality suggestion I’ve ever seen.

Everything here is perfect, it just works. Its complex, ties into the story of the area, utilizes unique features, and doesn’t seem that difficult to implement. I even like the design.

The only argument i can think of against it, is that it might be a bit too op to be able to crack open sealed chests the instant you obtain them, and heal your ship on the fly if you got the cash.

Maybe make it so the player has to reach land first to use his services, similar to how you can’t obtain rewards from people stranded in the ocean until you dock.

Very Cool

10 of 10 , I loved the design

I saw something for cooking so I’m max rating this, also he looks like a cool guy


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Due to the fact I CANNOT edit my own suggestion, Aureus isn’t able to crack open a sealed chest and he doesn’t instantly heal the ship like a shipwright do, he passively heals them if the ship is idle for more than 30 seconds and it stops healing when the ship gained 75% of its HP.

He was planned to be able to crack open a sealed chest in his upgrade quest but I don’t think I’ll bother with that considering him getting accepted is as low as 1% or even lower.

Apologies, I thought between him being a shipwright and part of his quest involving him practicing cracking open sealed chests he had the functions of a shipwright npc.

I thought all the other stuff was just passive things ontop of being a normal shipwright.

Well, I think he’d be broken if he had the same function as a shipwright NPC, imagine ur boat getting ganked and u can just heal it back up instantly, the passive healing makes him a bit more unique imo

yeah fair enough, though I wouldn’t mind him functioning as an actual Shipwright if you could only do it when docked at an island (the way where there is a plank towards the land), and weren’t in active ship combat.

Isn’t that Sanji’s mentor? Or maybe I’m thinking of someone else.

“It would be too op!!11!!” - :nerd_face::nerd_face:

Well I mean the plank can also lower for castaways and lost cargo in the right spot sooo

i assume it wouldn’t make sense to gather a load of sealed chests from the dark sea and just break them open on the go, i think it’s intended to safely escape the dark sea and crack them open
and also the fact he can just quick repair it though we do need more criminal/neutral shipwrights, especially at windrow and arguably tiberia. After escaping to wind row chances are those ravenna npcs destroy ur ship after u get into the cutscene and suddenly its a pain to repair it going to ravenna, even worse if you’re a criminal you gotta go all the way to forest of cerrunno.

probably should be a different suggestion im getting off topic

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