Question About Agility (and attack speed too i guess)

alright cool, wish you luck


High agility is worth it but prepare to be annoying to fight and have people be toxic (then again people criticize me and I use a bow unironically in combat). As for attack speed: it usually depends on magic/fs or even weapon at times, on magics like metal, earth, or even wood you’ll wanna build into it more but on things like light, lightning, and sometimes plasma you’ll probably want more power/defense.

For follow up question: it makes sense that they would but if you hit your shots consistantly without it don’t bother, it will add literally nothing to your build if you do.

Drawback for visuals is fine but run a painite for it instead, less drawback, same visuals and an absurd amount of defense

oh i’m not into pvp (another reason why I want to run high agility i guess), i’m just here to run circles around Calvus and explore big nature islands real easily

since i’m using lightning i’ll probably sway my build away a little bit from attack speed then. it’s just a lot of my agility items happen to also give attack speed so it’s kind of unavoidable.


my only issue with this is less power. 33 power is quite a bit, along with 108 defense vs just 300 defense.

i don’t think i’d really need defense because i’m pretty decent with dodging and blocking, but i’ll definitely do it if i realize i need more (i also have a lot of painites so might as well use them.)

I am a savant main, and my response to this question is
Yes, we do need attack size, our base projectile is smaller than a literal quark because we invested so little into one stat.

  1. a bit is good (i personally run 60 or so) but i think too much just takes up too many stats
  2. after this patch’s atk speed nerfs i don’t recommend running any more than 250
  3. no

Not specifically necessary. I also am a main savant, and a light magic at that. So yeah, U don’t have attack size, but a very high attack speed and agility. (Also, my weapons are enchanted with ardent and tempered). And even with ttis build, I can win fights.

The reason why I dont have attack size is because I won’t trade my other stats for something that is very hard to increase, especially with light as my magic.

so the general consensus seems to be “it depends on your magic,” which as a Lightning user, I don’t think it’d help me too much to have attack size since the scaling will be lower than usual.

i might run a little bit (i do have a sunken iron chest so i might just use that)


If ur going to use this build competitivly ur going to get outdpsed even if u play perfectly.

The problem with investing into agility and atk spd rn is u have to invest so much to get results.

U can invest very little into size even 50 goes pretty decent ways, you get results with very low invest.

Power,defense, and size are far more worth investing into

Last note about ur build is the ep is way to low its in the 600’s the average pver has around 830 ep

i thought i’d just ask if this new build is any good.

it matches basically everything i wanted from one (drawback for visuals cause they’re sick, agility breakpoint, etc.) my only issue is the low-ish power, but i could probably just replace the Sunken Warrior Chest with something like Maria’s coat.

(and by the way, no i cannot handle insanity effects if this is going to be the build i use all the time. i’m way too much of a casual player to deal with it, so the two warding’s probably going to stay)

agility does actually boost swimming speed,

wait is there a cslculation for that?

i feel like its barely noticable or smth

Btw is Poseidon build still fast? (Swim speed musgravites and a lot of agility)

yeah it is still really good

It is noticable but only when you go from 50-60 to 200-300, it’s a fair margin but if you play on high agility all the time you probably don’t notice it.