Question About Agility (and attack speed too i guess)

pvp made the most sense to put this under since it’s kind of related.

so i have two primary questions. one; is high agility (teleport dash for burst dashes, teleport high jump, etc.) worth building? it’s sooo fun to use but i’ve realized that whenever i try to fit it in my build it ends up becoming the entire basis, which is an issue.

secondly, what’s the limit for attack speed? at what point should i stop building it? i’d like to have a lot of it so i essentially have hitscan cause why not, but i don’t want it to be all i have. i also use lots of grabs, which i’m pretty sure relates to attack speed, along with Crash’s distance (Sailor Fist).

so yeah that’s all. basically; how much of those stats is too much.

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quick follow up question; i saw that savants generally need attack size. is this true? and is a lot of it needed? i hit my attacks somewhat decently so i’m not completely sure, and i use lightning so i doubt it’d really effect it too heavily.

yeah that’s all thanks

Bocchi the rock!

oh uhh for the follow-up question generally it is useful but it kinda depends if you can hit them (don’t trust my word entirely)

for the first question you may wanna ask warm water. if you can find the perfect middle ground between speed and agility than it would work nice (and there are a lot of these items)

limit on attack speed no clue maybe ask fridge uchiha

  1. Agility is really good in main-game (poster hunting and leaderboard pushing), as it gives you a lot of flexability on how you wish to play/engage in combat with your opponent. the most important thing for building a build with agility is that you NEED to understand it will most likely cause you to miss out on investing in other sub-stats. whether or not it is worth going for agility depends on your build more than anything.

  2. similarly to above this depends on your build. however for most builds that high-invest into attack speed, i’d say the limit is ~250 attack speed. for your case using sailor fist, i’d probably use around 250.

  3. the thing about savants with attack size is that you really need a decent bit of it to be worth it. because savants have such low-tier magic/fighting styles, you’ll need more attack size for the attacks to be bigger (when comparing to mage/hybrid magic). in lightning’s case, i honestly wouldn’t even bother running size. it just isn’t worth it when you could be investing into speed; you’ll just really need to land your attacks, and you should be okay.

maybe this but idk much

middle ground makes sense not too much of either. thanks!

so don’t really bother with attack size as long as i can aim. sounds good.

250 AS was around what I’ve been hitting as well, which is great because i really like my fast m1s for npcs and really low endlag. thanks!

i should have mentioned it, but i’m not really into pvp aspects of the game (high agility kinda helps with that as well)

I dont know if i would recommend running this, you’re gonna get shredded inevitably

from personal expierence

good in land combat and especially if you’re not fighting in a restricted arena like munera, even more if theres many cliffs and such

sucks in ocean combat because agility doesnt boost swimming speed and the only advatange is maybe getting to higher places on the ship

it’s fine lol, just make sure that you at least run more defense if you don’t really plan on playing pvp. because npcs in this game have aimbot, you might get shredded even if you can dash around a lot

hold on lemme send a screenshot of my build (probably needs more defense, and honestly, i’m thinking having drawback just for the visuals maybe isn’t a good idea)

oh good point. i heard 1800 health-ish is a good breaking point, or would 2000 be better?

well i have an advantage in water with sailor fist and lightning, alongside ice for platforms, so i think i’m pretty good there, but i didn’t think of that. thanks for bringing it to my attention

I don’t recommend running warding, 3 warding 2 insanity is just a net loss in comparison to 1 insanity 0 warding. (3.5 t2 scrolls vs 4 t2 scrolls).

yeah i was just thinking that. only issue is, i don’t really feel like living in this game with my camera going dark and zooming in and whatnot, and since my device is low-end, the flames that come along can cause issues sometimes.

if i were going for pvp meta, i’d definitely run something better. also, the warding only comes from the theurgist set i’m using (2 pieces), and one of the enchants. i’ll send the full build.

the crystal modifier isn’t really something i’m expecting to get because digging for it would be so boring, but besides that, this is the build.

if you run insanity 1 with no warding, the effects are honestly not that bad. they’re much less intensive (no purple flames at all; worst effect is a 2s blur), and it gives you the freedom to run better accessories

oh and by low-end, i mean like, problematically so. to the point where i can hardly navigate nimbus sea because i lag at about 20 frames a second on average, outside of combat

fair point. i might build around that idea. would there be anything that’s just a direct upgrade from theurgist in that case?

Here is a good substitute, if you are able to get the frozen silver pauldrons. I think it’s a little bit less attack speed and agility than what was on yours, but for the trade of having a good amount of defense that makes sure you can hold your own in fights (npc and players)

oooo i like it. thanks. i’ll probably build around it, maybe a bit less defense or something, but thanks for the advice! i’ll use this as a guide (and hopefully make better future builds too)