Question about drip and a weapon choice

first question, what should I roll with:
cowboy hat,

samurai straw hat,

no hat,

or a suggestion for a hat you give me?

and question 2, are tempered muskets still good or at least worth getting? I’ve got a tempered scroll and 5 un-enchanted muskets so i wanted to ask.
Thanks for your time

I personally would say use your tempered on the plunderers(Maria Flintlocks), as those are really good for warrior, but I am a conj, so I wouldnt rlly know

im a conj too so plunderers are out of the question :frowning_face:

Plunderers are only for m1s, a musket is probably the best wpn to use tempered on, but I am not that expeirenced, so dont waste it until a smart person comes to help

Try musketeer hat

Cowboy hat looks best in my opinion

cowboy hat fr

If it had a black feather I would

musketeer hat or canves hat

No hat. What stat build is this for?

122 mag 150 wep Sand Conj

(ignore the red face)

ye I would go tempered plunderers, even the m1 does a lot of dmg

he looks more military now which i think looks nice