Question about rule 18

why exactly does vetex not want people to tag him in the forums? what does he fear?


hmmmmm I wonder…

You should refer to another rule (#34) for that matter, but for some reason it’s unavalible in the forums
Just search “Arcane Odyssey rule 34” in your browser, you’ll find the info there


its like spam pinging someone on discord, its annoying ig

useless pings is why, you would delay updates
honestly he could just scapegoat you and yell at you for delaying updates but i guess he doesnt want to be labeled as a bad dev for doing that

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i have seen crimes worse than mine.

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vetex probably just doesn’t like it if you ping him, since it’s distracting
also most of the time it’s just not necessary

maybe it’s just because he doesn’t check the forums that often, and it would mean that he sees it later than he would otherwise
besides, there doesn’t really have to be a reason. you’ve agreed to follow the rules when making an account.

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If he did then he would be rightly crucified. That’s literally what YandereDev does in regards to emails “sToP sEnDiNg Me UsElEsS eMaIlS” lol

a bunch of 13 years old pinging him for trivial things ig

tho, from what ive seen, that rule is pretty laxed here… discord, on the other hand…

blasphemy! our Lord would never do something as such!


i said he could as in it would be possible
e.g. i could hit a guy with a car but that doesnt mean im gonna

to imply that our Lord, with his endless mercy and grace, would even consider such… foul thing! is a sin in itself

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it also doesn’t happen that often on the forums, mostly because there are fewer people active on the forum compared to the discord. You can’t just ping him and have the message get buried in 2 seconds because 15 people are having a conversation in #general, so you have a way higher chance of getting punished for it.

(also we’re just morally superior to those uncivilised brutes on the discord :3 )(I’m also in the discord)(I’ve said like 5 things in there ever)

just doesnt feel like being pingedi guess, although i highly doubt he has notifications on for the forum

Vetex fears whoever crucified him in Studio.

Getting 99999 pings every time he opens the forums.

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Don’t search that guys, the results aren’t kid friendly(18+)

Mature people can only search that… If you are below 18, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE SEARCH THAT UP.