Question about rule 18

I was tricked into searching it by my friend… I don’t wanna talk about it

Luckily the first website told me what it was, so I closed the tab before I looked at pictures

To be able to kick troll’s and kid’s asses with a reason aka lawfully.

yea, i saw that picture

Pardon? Someone what? Where’s the original post, I want to see it

this i think

Oh, that post, I forgot about that.

im on a school pc lil bro dont do that

yeah, definitely don’t search that speaker

How is bro not banned for tagging Vetex yet?

what did you do…

This. This is why Vetex doesn’t want anyone tagging him. People do stupid crap like this—pinging the dude for no reason except to say something idiotic like this.

Exactly… How tf is bro not banned yet

flaggy time, it has to be done

expect this guy to be banned within 1 month he pinged vetex

im surprised you joined before me

you just dont get the chav lingo fam :roll_eyes:

Somehow most of certain artist art is here

It gets annoying when the pings are meaningless

I just remembered when people false quoted him and didn’t realise it still pinged him