Question about shields and trading

So everybody knows that there are three different enchants of shields;

  • Clean (no enchant)
  • Sturdy (increased durability)
  • Heavy (increased blocking power)

So my values for the items (in a trading sense) are;

Worst: Clean
Average: Sturdy
Best: Heavy

Is this wrong? Is sturdy bad for trading? Would it be worth it to enchant all my WoJ’s for trading?

The correct values for shields rn are
Best: Heavy
Average: clean
worst: sturdy
Same applies to most weps in terms of trade value for example
Clean sunken sword> swift sunken sword


not by much tho, swift is underrated and the best enchant for pvp rn. Its also the middle enchant so ye

true but iirc the strong enchant is bugged rn and is doing less than it should be so once its fixed in Ao strong ss value should go up which will prob cause swift ss value to decrease slightly

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yup, strong ss gonna rise up and swift gonna drop, tho i dont think it will drop that much. But fr the strong enchant being fixed and the base weapon dmg buff are gonna be great for boss weaponsand sunken sword values

Yea and hopefully wep builds will finally become some what viable :sleeper:

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me when I get 150 rising tide damage: :joy:

sand shieldo

u using strong or swift ss?

swift ss

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