Question about strength weapons

Are they going to be just normal weapons that scale with weapons and strength?
Or are they are going to be only specific weapons like the Lion’s Halberd?

Like, can i just open a chest and find a strength sword instead of a normal sword?


They will use both strength and weapons to calculate damage. Probably ideal weapons for Warlords, who are going to be putting points into strength anyways.

skimmed through at first and now just seen this; no.

Certain weapons will be strength/weapons, most will be weapons only. I’m sure others will also use weapons/magic and maybe weapons/vitality.



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idk if fort talos’ boss’ weapons are necessarily strength weapons. they are obviously weapons that scale with both strength and weapon stats, and id be fine if this was all strength weapons were supposed to be, but i gotta say they sound underdeveloped compared to what we know about arcanium weapons

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There’s two ways I could potentially see strength weapons able to use fighting style techniques, either 1 it’s almost exactly like arcanium and you can bind one or more techniques to the weapons and have it be modified by the weapon and the fighting or two, each strength weapon has 3-4 techniques unique to the weapon, and have it be similar/spin off from the techniques that already exist but made to fit with the weapons

the fort talos boss uses 3 weapons and has 3 phases

Thanks for the insight, given what I knew about arcanium weapons I may have hyped the other kind up in my head more than I should have.

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