So I’ve heard of a lot of claims of SunCry alt farming and I’m not trying to make any drama, I’m just wondering if theres any evidence of them alt farming, and if there is please show me, I’m just curious.
…was this not last mentioned 3 months ago
I wasn’t here 3 months ago, could you show me the outcome of whatever happened and proof if there was any? I’m in suncry and i get messages from people I’ve never seen saying suncry alt farms
The answer is no, they don’t alt farm
I don’t think they do, but I’m just curious
No they don’t alt farm… The drama rn is that their leader was a pedo
The mass of their infamy was obtained through serverwide slaughters when you could still get infamy from everyone
Also, they don’t alt farm, its actually pretty unreliable and inefficient to alt farm
they don’t alt farm, why alt farm back then when level 45s roamed the entire earth? Though, I’m not a reliable source of intel since I just joined.
Ik I’m not asking whether or not they alt farm just proof of them alt farming to back up the claims of them doing it
There are none because they don’t, hence why they all saying suncry doesn’t alt farm
Yeah I just find it so stupid with so many people accusing suncry of alt farming (not in this post) but they fail to provide any proof just bugs me
There’s no proof atall, infact, alt farming would be very slow seeing their current rally count, so it’s highly unlikely.
You could definitely see why they think Suncry alt farmer. I mean, look at the current difference between SunCry and Acquire, 11K-4.5K. That is a pretty huge difference.
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