Question for bteam

what happened to 100% power fire arcanium :sob:

U ask me this as if i havent been addressing ur guys issues for months now ill repeat myself one last time. Instead of just nerfing turret mage directly u guys kill all attack spd builds across the board for one. Stuns, platforms, and agile builds were nerfed pretty harshly theyre all pretty much useless. Dont get me started with thermo.

You guys say u cant make creative changes to the game but do a whole surge rework just to nerf it again.

Look there should be a web of counters with in the game kind of like a food chain but everything gets checked by something. You guys cant make said food chain by just removing niche mechanics. The combat should feel diverse and not a one size fits all there should be different playstyles. Were trending in the direction where it wont matter what class u pick because they all operate the same and the truth is for the most part rn they do.

bteam should be making not in large quantity but very few concise decisions every patch that first adress all the obvious stuff which you guys do but anyone could do lets be honest. Then instead of making a bunch of micro adjustments that u guys just end up undoing later anyways help vetex build off the foundation hes set nothing thats truly great and exceptional is built alone every one gets help no matter how much they want to take all the credit for themselves its just not possible to become exceptional with out working with a multitude of minds and perspectives. All the greats have great coaches, teamates, mentors, teacher, and or parent/gaurdian.

Now with all that said. Someone needs to step up and LEAD the bteam and encourage more creative solutions to balance problems its not only the most fun and cooperative approach but adds more depth to the game. Who ever should lead the bteam SHOULD know no matter how awsome an idea might be Vetex will always have the say all to whatever happens if you keep respect with vetex in this regard and only leave OPTIONS that you and the team have conjured up it will ultimatly make for not only a healthier relationship between the team and vetex but it will also make vetex more open to suggestions.

SIDE NOTE Vetex does take suggestions the rival system wasnt even his own idea it was from a tester. Set the premice right and the bteam can definitly have a proper relationship with Vetex

arcane rock paper scissors

if u want the pvp to inquire more strategy it would work best by adding constant depth and layers to the players capabilities. Like basketball or chess, there are countless moves and tactics to use and also many defensive strategies to counter those offensive strategies.

thats what the countless lost spells, techniques, and weapons will be added for (i think vet said that like 28 lost spells were planned, and this was before dsea update so we have 25 to go)

sweet yeah i was just sharing ideas with someone and i was saying how maybe certain magics or gems can be used so when u hit people they get substat debuffs like less size or atk spd. just an idea

It would be pretty intersting to see fire be like 25%intensity 25% size and 50% power i remember my friend made a size, and intensity fire mage along time ago and it was sick where ever he attacked large forests of flames would remain

no what the fuck
intensity is garbage why suggest it on a magic that barely anyone uses already :sob:

Lol… intesity is gate kept ask potatomon urself a highly regarded pvp player if its garbage.

Thermo is actually perfectly fine except some issues with Crash range, it’s just that everything else is overtuned

Do you even play the game? You probably spend most of your time on arguements about balance team, lol.

I do i got close to 2k hours played

Its crash is too slow it used to be way more fun. But ill just live with it

With the way power and instensity scales off of power its actually super efficent for getting alot of extra dps. U can invest into say powerful for an extra 13 power to get an extra 20 dmg per hit or u can invest into enhanced and get an extra 39 intensity which would give u an extra 4 ticks of whatever dot u had and most dots go around 13 to even 27 if ur using magma u get way more dps

brotha u got too many opinions on the balance team. I might hop on the trend and jebait everyone thinking its a hate post

Brotha the question is should bteam be focused on making less but more impactful changes, or should they continue making dozens of micro changes that they end up reversing down the line anyways.

tbh given the combat is “jump, aim, block, play for energy, repeat” there’s not really a lot of areas to add depth. until we get actually interesting spells or styles that aren’t just stat sticks with a different flavor, combat is doomed to be monotonous

i think this is why almost any combo w/ a special property (like stuns, slows) is so powerful over ones that don’t, because it disrupts that monotony. also the fact that moving around like a wasp is crucial to this game.

time and time again I usually rag on the balance team for making everything one identical mass but they can’t do much to a fundamentally boring skill base. builds should be able to hard counter builds some day

tldr; combat is gonna look boring and feel boring until we get a better arsenal of skills with different effects on our opponents, where we can experience that rock paper scissors.

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If bteam added even a little more depth each patch it would go very long ways. And they totally could vetex may not say yes to every idea they propose but how is vetex suppoaed to resonate with any ideas if none are being broought to hia attention at all.

well, when every magic is essentially the same thing where some just like eachother, the only depth you can add are more interesting spells that will actually make synergies interesting.

imagine area-based spells for size users with low damage scaling but decent size scaling for chip damage, or proc’ing synergies, or high-alpha damage spells for faster magics that can land great hits but use insane energy/have punishing endlag

different FS techniques so you aren’t just essentially a shittier mage with a stat gimmick, imagine if thermo gave faster energy regen and whatnot

I think when the actual game gets more depth we can have more outrageous stuff happen because it’ll rightfully have drawbacks, but right now we’re at like the basic level for everything. Balance team can’t do much for combat outside of atleast discouraging metas when every magic is effectively the same

I like that idea for area denial its definitly worth putting some time to put thought into. If i could add onto it. It would be a lost magic spell that could work for any magic and works slightly different for each magic because not every magic has a dot. I think the idea is what ever magic ur using ur just spawning either a large cloud, pile of rubble or whatever dots it uses. To get really specific ill list what some magics do.

Glass/Fire/Magma/acid is easy it just spawns a large puddle of magic. To add some more to the spell it stacks the longer ur in it so the dot would stack.

Wind, water, and explosion. would push everything violently out ward from where you used it. Making it a kncok back tool or if placed right used to push them towards you. Basically placed explosion but more used for its kb rather raw damage.

Shadow/light/snow,snow this one is tuff u could make it cloud like or something it would stack blindness frome either magic when your in it

Poison, ash, and plasma i think spawning a large area of clouds is pretty simple you could add more to this or leave it as is.

Earth, metal, ice, crystal and wood this one is tuff as well. You could make it spawn a lot of large rubble to use as obstacles to use tactically. Maybe make it like rain of arrows but instead meteor like 0_0 yes this idea is fire let me cook.

Lightning i have no idea where to place it cant fo with puddle magics its stun stacking would be way too op. I think it should be used with wind water or explosion as a kb tool.

The cd on this spell would have to be atleast 15 seconds other wise the size of the area denial would have have to be very minimal and no would really want to use it.

Keep in mind these are just my thoughta that i came up with this past hour although i think i cooked.

Vetex s has and will take up on ideas to add more depth. The current bteam is scared to communicate with vetex about anything for some reason. I think its a them problem. Cuz why be in the bteam at all if you dont like vetex??