There’s a distinction between conventional magic and the use of curse though, Vet’s explicitly said that curse users cannot use their magic without repercussions so it wouldn’t make much sense (imo) for them to share the same stat
its an unknown increase and not 2x exactly actually
nah the same reason why magic users can’t just spawn magma, water, acid, etc. inside of a person likely applies here. inherent magic energy from an individual paired w/ the soul iirc
if they created all of it absolutely, randal has proven to not play games with individuals ;-;
but existing fauna i’d say no unless they merged with it in some form like vines or smth
the white space cube in question ;-;
jokes aside i’d say elemental and external curses are about on the same lvl unless it’s the cloud curse ig. mostly being individual based tbh
unless ur some 4D being then its plausible or forced some opponent to get them into that state from some weird form of torture cause theres no way in hell a person isn’t allowing u to do that to them w/o some form of resistance
also i’ve recalled some magic energy and soul explanation but can’t find it so disregard that for now ig
educated guess
there isn’t anything to disprove either assumption of ours ultimately, aside from vetex himself. but it’d make sense that they’d only be able to control things of their own creation only without some weird plausible merging in this circumstance.
just because he has the power of plant/tree related stuff as u said doesnt mean he can definitely manipulate them. thats an assumption w/ an educated guess which mine is
hence why i say
saying that mine is invalid by me just mentioning that either one of us could be invalid aside from vetex’s input doesn’t automatically make ur assumption valid
Depends on whether elemental curses have the ability to manipulate pre-existing quantities of their natural element or if they can only manipulate what they themselves have created, but I’m not certain if they’re able to do the former
yeah thats what i was thinking as well but didn’t bother bringing it up since we’re talking about the growth curse atm.
if the growth curse can manipulate it’s natural element w/o producing it then every other elemental curse can as well which brings a lot of things in play.
curse strength grows with use, and the more you use it the more your mind tends to take on the curse’s aspects personality wise.
though warren’s probably such a chill chad that the inferno curse’s worst insanity driving personality traits just don’t exist in him and therefore can’t be magnified.
that or inferno doesn’t drive you insane since yknow, you can burn through anything, meaning there is literally nothing that could be able to resist you, no matter what, so you can’t exactly go powerhungry with no end goal to surpass
fairly certain that’s a Poseidon’s literal god tier willpower thing, randal only suspected him of having this tide curse when he just has the will of a god