Question: What OTHER types of limited items will be there? Will there be one for vtex's birthday? maybe a bighead?

I just thought about it. everybody is ranting on and on about the 4th of july stuff, but nobody is talking about what might come in the future. if the fourth of july hat and glasses came again in next year, it would significantly degrade the value of it. Just let me know what you think!

Also please let this NOT be a mal 3

They might come back but those’ll always be worth more. I don’t get excited about much in a game but I really get excited about limited items/event items and things like that in a game. I know Vetex used to do event things with AA in the past so I’m pretty sure there will be event items just as often.

Awesome, glad to know.

im thinking maybe a super smash bros reference like a banana gun or like smash ball which lets ytuo do ultimate power instantly. or maybe something simple like a new magic idk im not a developerr

i doubt there will be special items for something like a dev’s bday, but there definitely will be event with limited items on big holidays like halloween, christmas, and easter

He won’t add bigheads or joke items. I’m guessing he’ll deal with seasonal items the same way he did in AA


why not? i think it would work in the “joke” parrt

I’ve heard from a few testers or mods that vetex was originally gonna do an extremely late egg hunt on release, but it didn’t happen since it was most likely because of too much time to put together. But the next limited item on my guess is probably gonna somewhere in October at the latest

How to become a regular

It’s from @Noober btw. Well technically he got it from Headless…