Can i ask how may seasonals and sunken does headless worth?
i’ve seen many people put it at around 7+ sunken swords
oh tyty
Most of the time its even more actually
can you tell how many sunken and seasonals?
its 7+ swords anymore, sunken gone down alot. alot of people does 6-7 swords + 20+ seasonals
i traded 7 sunken swords, 1 sunken set, 10 hallowed and 2 wrapping seasonals for 1 headless. and that is cheap in todays headless market
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ohhhh ty ty
People dont like 1/2000 chance worse daggers that much anymore
rising tide simply isnt that good (dumbass testers nerfed it before ao release and now its shit)
and tiger rush’s hitbox is just awful
Worse spiraling fury
testers did anything but test the game properly
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