Quick mafs and existential dread

Vetex is 21
The current year is 2021
2021-21 = 2000
Vetex was born in 2000

AA was created in 2015
2015 was 6 years ago (since 2021-6 = 2015)

Vetex was 15 years old when he made AA. (2000 - 2015 = 15)
This isn’t even talking about his earlier anime games
holy fuck

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yea he was like 13 or 14 when he made OPGA, he do be a prodigy tho

yeah he made online fighting when he was 8


I was scribbling crap when I was 8. Vetex is a literal prodigy tbh.


I’m legit just learning out how to code and I’m 16 wtf

I’m over 13 and I don’t know how to long divide.

I’m almost in high school.

oops looks like i had a stroke. better luck next time.

I also don’t know how to multiply big numbers without a calculator.

And I don’t get polynomials. I’m stupid, in short.

just wait until you need to divide them

pre-calc/trig is a bitch

I already do and I have a test about it in two days

I’m screwed, and i’m too lazy to study

oh dang
you’re learning high school maths in middle school.

well uhhh… good luck

Something about “tic tac toe method”

Math is stupid, my mother’s a college math teacher / professor but I’m not exactly in the path of living up to her. I’m getting out of math as soon as I can.

lemme do some notes rq, I think I know the method you’re learning right now.

Not only do I not understand it, but I’m so lazy I quite literally refuse to understand it

I have the worst mindset on Earth, and I need to go to bed now so cya. :wave:

cya, I’ll do some math notes for you (but it’s also really late as well for me so they may not be super useful)


here you go
hopefully this will be helpful (probably not but oh well)

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I’m not sure if this is a joke, but Ima explain anyways.

I’m guessing that you’re getting Vetex’s age from his twitter, but I’m fairly certain that shit hasn’t been updated in AWHILE. So in all reality he’s probably older than 21.

Also, did roblox even exist in 2008?

They’re joking, even if he’s 21 rn he’d have been 13-14 in OPGA


You might not read/use this but…

Star’s Polynomial Basics

Okay, here are the vocabulary that you need to know, they’re pretty simple:

Constant: Any number (5, -7, 1/2)

Variables: Any letter (a, b, c, …)

Exponents: The smaller numbers that you see image
In here it’s the 3 ^. Also note that in polynomials, the exponents can only be 0 and up in whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, …)

The constant, variable, and exponents are all what make up a polynomial. It’s doesn’t have to be all 3, it can just be something like a constant and variable (5y)

One polynomial is also called a term. Here are what multiple terms in an equation are called.

One term = Monomial (5a)
Two terms = Binomial (5a + 6)
Three terms = Trinomial (5a + 6 + 2x)
Four Terms and up = Polynomial

You may or may not know how to add, subtract, etc polynomials by writing, but I’ll just skip it

Lastly I noticed the thing where you talked about the tic tac toe method but I have something simplistic to solve these things called the Box Method

Let’s say you have the problem (x+5)(x-5). You want to create the boxes based on the terms so since there are four terms (x, 5, x, -5) they’ll be four boxes. You want to draw it like this.

Then you want to multiply according to the boxes. I color coded this to make it easier on what to multiply

After that, cross multiply the terms like this

Then solve with what you got

Then that’s your answer. The dark pink canceled out and wasn’t apart of the equation since it equaled to 0. The hot pink side though is the answer. You can’t simplify it since we don’t know what x is so what’s inside the purple circle is what the answer to the equation is.

I hoped this helped and maybe help with your polynomial problem. Hopefully this was easy to understand. If you still don’t need it, oh well, I’m bored anyways ;-;