R/place is apparently happening in 2023. Anyone here willing to not remain a barely-built lightning bolt on the r/place atlas?


snakeroom is a group of people that cracks the identities of reddit april fool’s events before they’re revealed

Whats R/place

every 10 minutes u can place 1 pixel on a big canvas that other people are putting pixels on too

R/place was a really fun event to be in. I wish that I can make some of my favorite series again on this event someday.

Damn it’s already almost been a year, that was quite the experience



My laptop was broken for most of r/place last year lmao this year I will help us go south and spread the will of vetex.


if this is real it would’ve been more special if they did it every 5 years but i’m ready to stay up for 2 more hours

perhaps this time with release, we’ll have more hands to make a bigger claim

Its time… we have a lightning bolt to make…


Last times lightning bolt was too small… not visible…

We need to make it times bigger than that

Size of the deepwoken logo

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should we coordinate with other roblox communities like some dumb knockoff version of the MCU?

only problem is the big roblox community that actually seems to care about r/place is deepwoken and i dunno about coordinating with them because i’m not sure about if the drama about deepwoken fans calling arcane odyssey a ripoff of deepwoken has staled away or not

edit: we could ally with flood escape 2

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an r/place collab with deepwoken would be pretty interesting but yeah im worried the stigma between the communities might get in the way too much

i know it’s big but i reckon we can do this if every single forumer did their work

Honestly, lets go for a different way for making the bold

I was thinking of putting the letter A in the Upper half of the bolt and O in the lowe part of the bolt in blue colors while the lightning was in green colors

The lightest blue color would be the background in a shape of a circle with white wavey lines

i’m not sure we can maintain a version of that image that is large enough to have readable letters unless vetex pings vetcord to start helping out

we also have to watch out for a flag spawning and destroying our art in the first six hours of r/place

We must make this fr…