Raising Nimbus Sea Player Limit

Raising Nimbus Sea Player Limit
effort 1.0 3 quality 2.333333333333333 3 reasonability 2.333333333333333 3

Pretty sure the nimbus sea server player limits are 5 players, please raise this up to something higher so we can play with guild mates.

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High chance its temporary. It was the same with AO release. If its temp then itll get lifted to a normal size in a week or so


its temporary wait 3 weeks

idc you have my vote

No this is the perefct player limit for a new sea. Imagine 20 people going into the sea at the same time. The carnage, the needless killing, the griefing. This would have made the nimbus experience even worse than it already was with the wipe.

Also this is exacly what happent when the game first released and likely will always happen with a new sea so people can explore in peace.

Also its likely gonna be liftet in like 2 or 3 weeks.

it’s temporary, but tbh I’m enjoying the smaller servers purely for fps, it’s much less laggy with 5 people.

i speedran the story in 20 minutes then got all the new items in an hour

there’s just not enough content for the server limit to stay 5 for that long

This would make more sense if there was more than 15 minutes of content

We need 15 people screwing around in Sameria :fire: :fire: :fire:

will we get less players for any of the seas like i’d be fine if nimbus sea was just 8 player servers, 14 people maybe when there’s more land, it’s still crazy laggy and i couldn’t even play AO yesterday it just kept disconnecting me and when i join sometimes i have to rejoin again to the title screen again since trying to “continue” or join others gives me an error code

tf is this

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