Random guy blew himself up twice đź’€ AITA?

There I was, doing some treasure charts when I finally completed a Legendary. It was my first time and holy shit I was surprised at the 9 chests.

My chart collection


Now, as any good galleon grinder, I had picked up a couple Gunpowder chests (went from Shell > Cernunno > Sandfall) and had 6~7 on my deck.

Well, I was sailing back towards Ravenna when this random neg rep (Light Warlock) tried to get on my ship. I had stopped due to a handy NPC ship nearby and was loading the sealeds while the dude blew himself up on a few of the Barrels.

I was mildly annoyed, but it happens. Then the guy, as I’m getting closer to the docks, tries to get on my boat again. This time it’s 100% an attempted assassination (I’m ~40k and they’re ~50k) because he, uh, attempts to hit me but throws like 3 shots and then blows himself up on the rest of the barrels.

…Then comes back again while I’m offloading a couple completed quests and tries to start wailing on me. I managed to get him to ~150 hp after a few combos (they missed almost every shot/beam, must have been underbuilt idk) and spent the next 3m chasing this guy down.

Finally manage to finish Hunting this guy (I picked it up after the second time they died) and then he sends me this.

Is my biuld cring guys?


  • Yes
  • Cringe biuld
  • Palo town yourself
  • I love Ice Sailors
0 voters

TL;DR, AITA for having Gunpowder on my deck and avenging them?

  • YTA
  • NTA
  • ESH
  • WTF
0 voters

i like how they blow them selves up twice and blame you

I need to start carrying explosive barrels on my ship

It was pretty convenient, they had <1500 hp so 7 barrels was enough for two rounds

NTA he should have parry, dodge, block

If that’s what this guy considers a cringe build, I don’t wanna know what he considers to be a based build.

Joever for him he ain’t surviving these seas with his smooth brain fuckery

Crush his skull


First time? honest mistake
Second time?

When this guy said “cringe biuld” it must have been referring to your ship build, which involved carrying very enticing looking gunpowder barrels.

YTA, you should apologize to him and give him all your galleons as compensation

Ok, how about 223 Gunpowder barrels?

what do those abbreviations mean…
anyways go keel him

Put them in the captains quarters and then use a splash attack to ignite them from above deck. The hitbox might just reach the wheel area

exactly, I don’t bother searching up what they mean, abbreviations are maybe just a tad bit too common now a days.

your biuld wasn’t really cringe

AITA = Am I the asshole?
YTA = You’re the asshole
NTA = Not the asshole
ESH = Everyone sucks here
WTF = surely you know this one, right?

The dude’s name is “Abyssal_DemonLord” were you expecting somebody older than 9 years old with an IQ higher than room temperature?