this rating is a complete impulse rating and I haven’t even used half these magics so its accuracy is doubtable, but if you think its bad don’t just say it’s bad, tell me what you would change
here’s the template so you can change it yourself
lightning is a pretty solid magic
second highest speed, alright damage and size, and good synergies
it should be in A tier imo
metal is way too slow to be in S tier
u could make a case for it to be in A tier cus of size metal mage abusers but eh
other than that it’s not horrible
true I put it there mainly because power/metal abusers are way too op and also so hyperspace wouldn’t hunt me down
as for lightning its not that good unless you’re running lightning conjurer with ssword, other than that its pretty mid, could be b tier tho
something something maintaining the agenda
crashes through window and stumbles
what do you mean water magic is D tier
water magic is only good for synergies, aside from being somewhat large it’s pretty bad
its not just D tier, you called it the worst magic because of how it’s placed
as the resident water magic main I take offense to this (not really)
in all seriousness though the size is still something huge going for it (no pun intended) because it’s the second largest magic behind explosion and earth (1.25x compared to 1.3x) and the fact that it can be used to clean yourself on the spot is worth something
it also has a decent damage affinity, 0.9x isn’t bad
Should be in s+, kos
Is light still good for conj?
counterargument: the rating is based off how well a magic would do on its own hence why water’s rating is so low (due to its heavy reliance on synergies)
water’s size is good, but not enough to make up for its meh damage, meh speed, and meh status effect
its all around meh, so d tier (maybe low c tier)
also why did you think I was rating it like higher = better? everything in d-tier is roughly the same midness
if I ranked it like that the tier list would look like this:
eh, not really, unless you wanna be moving at the speed of light (no pun intended)
you shouldve seen the pre size-damage change water conjurer that I’ve seen way back when
when are you ever using a magic completely alone
every awakening lets you use synergies
basic warlock
its like that because if we apply synergies, then technically every magic can be s-tier if you pair it with the right secondary magic/fighting style/weapon (except for shadow, cuz, y’know, no synergies). and as said in the wise words of syndrome:
if every magic is the best no magic is the best, hence why I made it like this
acid in d tier
yippee, you actually care enough about my thoughts to want an explanation!
first off, crystal is the best magic. it has high base damage, decent size and the speed is not that bad. it encourages an aggressive playstyle through the crystallised status effect and the arcanium stats perfectly complement this. it has good clash rates and good synergies with other magics and with bleed, making it extremely good for hybrids. also it has some of the most colour variants, which is cool.
and then earth. earth by itself is not that amazing, since it has rather low speed. it does make up for this with very high damage and size. Where this magic really shines however, is for hybrid classes. imbuing earth into something like sailor fist or the stormbow you can get some extremely big attacks which deal a really good amount of damage. what makes it even better is that it also has a synergy with bleeding, making it even better for hybrids.
first in A tier there’s acid. acid doesn’t have very impressive stats, with medium damage and average size and speed. but once again, it’s really good for hybrids. the status effect is pretty powerful too, which prevents people from healing, which is helpful.
lightning is just the popular kid that almost every conjurer uses because of the 12.5% bleed damage increase and paralyse on sunken sword.
plasma has one of the best status effects, dealing 25% of the initial attack in 3 seconds. also it works well with a lot of different magics and it has pretty decent speed
Ice is one of the best magics for hybrids because it has a good synergy with bleed, high damage, decent size and the speed decrease is not that bad. the main downside is that it doesn’t work underwater, which is quite annoying.
POISON!!! it’s fun
water is kinda boring, but it has pretty good stats. it doesn’t have great synergies.
fire is pretty decent, but it’s not that different from the other heat based magics. its arcanium stats are pretty good tho
explosion is slow, but has decent damage and high size. it’s more of a catalyst magic for heat based magics, but it’s maybe a bit too slow to do that effectively. also very laggy
magma wishes it could be earth but got angry after losing its size and damage
now it has a kinda bad status effect instead. 10 seconds for 40% more damage is just not good, and its synergies are just the standard heat based magics
also can’t be used in water
also also it’s kinda laggy
wood is unironically pretty good
it has good damage, decent size but pretty bad speed. however, it does only have positive synergies and works well with heat based magics (it applies bleed and gets a damage boost for most heat based status effects)
wind is mostly just fun to fling people around with, but besides that it’s kinda boring. it has low damage but decent speed and size, but besides that there isn’t really much to talk about
I guess it does clear a bunch of status effects, which is maybe useful in some situations
light is the kind of player that puts all their points into one stat and then complains that the game is difficult. as just a magic it’s not great because its damage is bad, imbued it’s not great because the damage is bad and the speed increase really isn’t that great compared to the loss in damage.
C tier now, yay
metal is just a worse version of earth, with slightly higher damage, lower speed, and lower size. it barely gets synergies that are worth using, the arcanium stats are bad and it only applies bleeding. it’s only really usable with mages.
glass has good stats, but only applies bleeding, making it pretty boring. it also doesn’t have great synergies (outside of the funny -80% against crystalised targets (crystal keeps winning)). it’s probably one of the funniest magics because of this, and vetex has also called people dumb for using glass resistance aura. the arcanium stats are okay, and the glass shards are actually some of the best hazards in the game, but aside from that it’s just pretty boring. also it’s way too loud.
ash is just kinda stupid. it’s just another heat based magic and thus it has poor damage. its status effect is annoying to apply and doesn’t do a lot and it spawns clouds, which also don’t do a lot. doesn’t work underwater. I don’t like how it looks
I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow I hate shadow
snow is just ice but less cool, only has 2 synergies, and has a useless rubble mechanic.
snow is what happens when light and ice get a child, which evens out to a pretty bad magic.
what if snow magic was earth?
it’d make for a worse version of both, of course.
only has some heat based synergies, but a worse version of them
its stats are just not that great
the arcanium stats just don’t complement the magic, and are inconsistent with the sandy modifier
the status effect is nothing interesting, only being worth using with lightning
useless hazards
there’s a reason why one of the first bosses in AA used the sand curse. to disappoint the player and make the rest of the game seem more interesting.
Fair point.
Counterpoint, I am currently aiming a placed pillar explosion underneath your house, prepare to get Dorothy’d.