uwu owo * pounces on u *
other 2 designs linked here
x3 pwounces on you uwu you so warm (owo)
Nwuzzles youw necky wecky hehe uwu
the screams consume me
bwut I reawwy wanna consume you fiwst uwu (owo )
don’t wowwy onii-chan we can stawt slowwy uwu (owo)
wait what
hwwe’s bwweeinwg nwwiwce!
we’re not friends anymore maco!!! >:( ;(((
;-; ywwow hwwuwt mwwy fwweewings!
skwill isshoo!!!
wwhy awe you bweing so mwean to maco-chan~~~~!
ywwouww’e owwn owwf wuws nwwoww!!
owow prease spweak engwish
dwon’t wowwy we’we awweady fwiends rowbostics onii-chan (uwu )
wweww awwre!