(color can be changed depending on if the author wants to)
Ability 1 [Stab Powerup]: Stab or slice yourself using the spear somewhat like a JJBA stand arrow. The deeper the wounds are, the stronger the spear powers you. You gain increased physical power, have extended kick and punch hitboxes because of releasing magic energy, increased magic damage (depending on if the world has magic within people), and the spear becomes stronger. The cost of this is obviously suffering the harm of getting stabbed or sliced by the spear (the wounds are temporarily sealed by magic energy), and losing a very small bit of humanity and going insane. Going insane as in losing mental qualities to make one ‘human’ just like friendship or mercy.
Ability 2 [Spear Throw]: Throw the spear at extremely high speeds. This spear can travel around 80 kilometers a second while being thrown. The spear creates an explosion where it landed, and has extreme penetration. The spear can pierce thick metal walls. The AoE explosion isn’t that large, only around a house (diameter is possibly 20-30ft). It STILL creates an explosion even after piercing a wall.
The spear power up only works for its owner. Anyone else wounded by the spear won’t get the power up. The owner is determined by the first person who touches this spear. If the current owner dies, the spear becomes “unowned” meaning anyone can claim it.
The spear can conduct different magics, depends on if the author wants to allow it or not.
Disarming the spear owner is impossible as the owner can recall it.
If the spear throw ability was in a video game, it would have a 1 second wind up and a very short 4 second cooldown. The damage would also be insanely high.
Side Shit
imagine this weapon gets added to AO
haha oversized jjba stand arrow go brrr